Solunion Colombia Colombia Spain Spain Nutrition SpainOur volunteers collaborating with Fundación Altius. Colombia Our solunioners collaborated in the Fundación Bambi soup kitchen, whose main goal is to help children suffering from malnutrition. This foundation offers them support in the areas of food, education, health and welfare. 8 solunioners took part by preparing a snack to share with the children. They also had the opportunity to paint, laugh and dance with the children, who were very enthusiastic about the visit. ColombiaVolunteers helping in the Fundación Bambi soup kitchen. Spain In Spain, our volunteers collaborated with Fundación Altius, which helps and supports people in need by helping them to find a job and distributing food through their company store. Our volunteers helped users choose food, stacked shelves, packed fresh produce and acted as cashiers at the store, in addition to helping people pack their shopping carts to streamline the process. SpainOur volunteers helping out in the Fundación Altius company store.