Alberto Berges CEO of Solunion 2023 was a very special year for Solunion: the year in which we celebrated our tenth anniversary, a decade of growth, of intense but rewarding work, which has allowed us to achieve very positive results and, above all, to build a team of people, the solunioners, who have grown together, with values and behavior that make us very proud. It is not the first time that, from this platform, we talk about purpose, about how important commitment is for us, about being a brand that positions itself at all levels and for which social work, volunteering and working for and with others is an intrinsic part of that way of life. This year, the solunioners have continued to be actively involved in various initiatives in all the countries in which we are active, with enormous amounts of enthusiasm and willingness to collaborate. Fundación Tengo Hogar, Banco de Alimentos, Fundación Altius Spain, Círvite, Manos de Ayuda Social, Fundación Aldaba, Fundación Mis Amigos, SSVP, Fundación Red de Árboles, Municipalidad de Santiago, PAIDI and Fundación Ayuda a la Infancia Hogares Bambi are just some of the organizations and foundations with which we have collaborated in different areas, like Nutrition, Education, Integration, the Environment and Emergency Aid. Our #SolunionersSolidarios are growing in number and we look at our commitment as something natural and necessary. That is the goal and the objective: to demonstrate with concrete actions and with different focuses, that it is possible to achieve a better society by adding together all the small actions, those that each one of us performs through these volunteer activities that can only increase. Heartfelt thanks to Fundación MAPFRE for counting on us and for allowing us to be part of this current of help and solidarity with those who need it most, as well as with our environment. volunteers 3 3 3 9 9 9 1 1 1