It was a very enriching experience, lots of our colleagues came to plant trees and help build the future together. I am very happy that we are becoming more and more environmentally aware and that initiatives like this one don’t only help today, as the forest we are creating at Securitas Direct will be for generations to come. Alejandro Aznar country activities participations 1 1 1 2 2 2 7 7 7 5 5 5 On November 4, we continued with this project to give more life to our forest by planting 300 new species in addition to the 500 species planted in 2022. We work in collaboration with the Reforest Project and have the help of our volunteers and their families. Thanks to this initiative, we have been able to completely and responsibly reclaim a piece of abandoned land and turn it into a new lung for the community and a new and safe home for bees and birds.