Seventh edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation

We are broadening our scope of action to achieve more

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Safe and sustainable mobility.

Silver Economy: opportunities for senior population.

Health improvement and digital technology (e-Health).

Providing solutions to real problems is the main goal of social innovators, who through their projects contribute to meeting the social needs and demands of the public.

With them in mind, we are launching the seventh edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards, with the collaboration of IE as an academic partner, broadening our scope even further. In this edition can participate projects from four major regions: Brazil, the rest of Latin America, Europe and the United States of America.

In this new edition, we are promoting innovative projects with enormous potential for social impact in the following categories:

  • Safe and sustainable mobility.
  • Silver Economy: opportunities for senior population.
  • Health improvement and digital technology (e-Health).

The registration process ended on November 30. From all the projects submitted, 12 finalists will be chosen (3 finalists per category and per region) who will receive coaching sessions from IE University and will go on to participate in the Grand Final.

The three winning projects (one in each category) will receive 40,000 euros in cash to promote their project and will benefit from free consultancy services provided by Fundación EY (FEY), Fundación MAPFRE’s partner in this sixth edition of the awards.

In addition, the entire community of social innovators involved in our awards will be able to participate in the exchange of knowledge and expert support provided through the Red Innova innovation network.

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Winners of the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards

The seventh edition of these awards has come to an end. The judging panel has selected the three winning projects that, in each of the categories, stand out for both their capacity to positively impact society and their scalability. Let us introduce you to them.

Finalist Projects 7th edition

The twelve shortlisted projects have already been selected. They are now entering the preparation phase where the finalists will present their ideas to the Grand Final judging panel, to demonstrate that their project has a major social impact and that they have the best team to implement it. We introduce you to them below.

Find out all the information about the competition in detail

You can find here all the relevant information to submit your application. We are governed by the principles of transparency, rigor and equal opportunities. We want the best of the best to win, and that the best get to know each other and learn from each other.

These are the categories the Awards focus on

All of us share in writing the future. Social innovation unites technology with objectives that directly affect people’s wellbeing and improves their quality of life. To find out about the areas in which we want to work with you, click here and carry on reading.

Red Innova

The social entrepreneurs of our awards remain connected through this “network of networks” which benefits from peer support and fosters the exchange of expert knowledge, thus contributing to the social innovation ecosystem and advocating a positive impact.

You will find all the latest news and trends in this section

We are connected. Learn from others. We are social beings by nature and the difference lies in our ability to exchange ideas. In this section you will find relevant information to reflect upon, polish your project, discover who else may be working with similar objectives to yours and how that might affect you. Everything is on the move. Keep up to date.

Hemos contado para esta aventura con partners y colaboradores con los que hemos compartido experiencias y hemos crecido

This adventure would not have been possible without the participation of organisations who share our ultimate goal of making this world a better place, and who agree that social innovation is an essential tool to achieve this.

A universe of social innovators

Our Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards now have their own organization. Through the various calls we have met social entrepreneurs from different countries, and we have shared their successes. They are part of our lives and their stories are ours. Get to know our universe, get to know our news.

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