© Daniel Vázquez Díaz. VEGAP, Madrid, 2022
The friendship between Daniel Vázquez Díaz and Gerardo Diego led to several articles published by the poet of the Generation of 1927 in which, aside from noting his friend’s importance within Spanish painting, he underlined the significance of the relationship they maintained since the decisive years when avant-garde literature and art irrupted in Spain.
This portrait of Gerardo Diego by Vázquez Díaz conveys a feeling of inner peace and luminous spirituality. The light configures a mask that surrounds his forehead, eyes, nose, and mouth; where the essence of the character resides. The meticulously delineated eyes belie a transcendent distance and focus instead on the proximity of things, in line with Gerardo Diego’s humanism, based on consciousness and sensitivity.
Other autor artworks
Daniel Vázquez Díaz
César González-Ruano
Grease pencil and blending stump on paper
Daniel Vázquez Díaz
Irene Alba
Graphite, blending stump and sepia ink on paper
Daniel Vázquez Díaz
Manuel Gómez-Moreno [?]
Graphite, black and sepia ink on paper
Daniel Vázquez Díaz
Dibujo preparatorio para “Las bañistas”
Graphite on coated paper