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Notes for a white paper on fire prevention

Notes for a white paper on fire prevention

This is probably the most comprehensive reflection on fires in Spain and their consequences to have been published in recent years. The goal: to promote actions that will prevent further deaths in fire-related incidents.

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Buy tickets

Felipe Romero Beltrán. Bravo

Select an option



Individual Ticket 

  • Allows to visit Felipe Romero Beltrán. Bravo and José Guerrero. Concerning Landscape.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • Brief explanation (15-20 min. approx.) on concepts and information to go in depth in the evaluation and enjoyment of the exhibited works. Explanations in Spanish.
  • Hours:
    • UNTIL MARCH 31: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 4 to 7 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 4 to 7 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
    • FROM APRIL 1: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 5 to 8 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon ticket. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple Instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€ 1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


  • It’s mandatory for the group to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax and a maximum of 15 pax. (guide included)
  • Tuesdays: 11 am – 11:30 am – 12 pm.
  • The purchase of the ticket implies acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially of those indicated for the “Group Visit”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • This ticket is valid only for the day and time indicated. It will not be possible to enter the hall in advance. Likewise, admission is not guaranteed to visitors who show up at the hall after the reserved time.
  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of these Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for late in the afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time.
  • Due to conservation needs, the rooms maintain a constant temperature of 21º, so it is possible that during the visit it is convenient to bring some light warm clothing.
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • Other rates for eligible groups.

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432080

Buy tickets

José Guerrero​. Concerning Landscape

Select an option



Individual Ticket (includes audioguide)

  • Allows to visit José Guerrero. Concerning Landscape and Felipe Romero Beltrán. Bravo.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • Brief explanation (15-20 min. approx.) on concepts and information to go in depth in the evaluation and enjoyment of the exhibited works. Explanations in Spanish.
  • Hours:
    • UNTIL MARCH 31: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 4 to 7 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 4 to 7 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
    • FROM APRIL 1: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 5 to 8 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon ticket. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple Instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


  • It’s mandatory for the group to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax and a maximum of 15 pax. (guide included)
  • Wednesdays: 4 pm – 4:30 pm – 5 pm.
  • The purchase of the ticket implies acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially of those indicated for the “Group Visit”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • This ticket is valid only for the day and time indicated. It will not be possible to enter the hall in advance. Likewise, admission is not guaranteed to visitors who show up at the hall after the reserved time.
  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of these Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for late in the afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time.
  • Due to conservation needs, the rooms maintain a constant temperature of 21º, so it is possible that during the visit it is convenient to bring some light warm clothing.
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • Other rates for eligible groups.

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432091

Buy tickets

Weegee. Autopsy of the Spectacle

Select an option



PLUS Ticket

  • TICKET and AUDIO GUIDE for Weegee. Autopsy of the Spectacle, 31 Women. An exhibition by Peggy Guggenheim and Paul Durand-Ruel and the twilight of Impressionism. The audio guide is accessible online, from your Smartphone, without downloads or installations. An audio device can also be requested in the room (if available; not compatible with Bluetooth).
  • Prices: PLUS General Admission: €9. PLUS Reduced Admission: €7.
  • Does not incluye headphones. You can add them (€1) during the online purchase or at the ticket office. For sustainability reasons we recommend you to bring your own headphones.

Individual Ticket

  • Allows to visit Weegee. Autopsy of the Spectacle, 31 Women. An exhibition by Peggy Guggenheim and Paul Durand-Ruel and the twilight of Impressionism.
  • General admission: €5.
  • Reduced admission: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • Free Access (0€): Mondays (except holidays), from 2 pm to 8 pm.

The beneficiaries of free admission must obtain their ticket at the ticket office in the room.

(In the case of free access due to disability / reduced mobility, you can request a ticket reservation in advance by e-mail:

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • At the designated times, our mediation team will be available in the exhibition room to share key information and concepts with visitors, facilitating a better appreciation and enjoyment of the exhibition.
  • Hours: WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS: from 5 to 8 pm.; FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon entry. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • Due to an INCIDENT, MAPFRE Client tickets cannot be obtained from the web sales channel at this time. Please contact us at and we will proceed to reserve your tickets on the day and time you indicate. Thank you very much and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€ 1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.


  • If you have already purchased a individual ticket and want to add the audio guide, you can purchase it here. Price: €4.
  • The audio guide is accessible online, from your Smartphone, without downloads or installations. An audio device can also be requested in the room (if available; not compatible with Bluetooth).
  • Does not incluye headphones. You can add them (€1) during the online purchase or at the ticket office. For sustainability reasons we recommend you to bring your own headphones.


Group Visit

  • It’s mandatory for the Group Visit to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax. a maximum of 15 pax (guide included).
  • The use of an audio-guiding system is mandatory for the visit. If the group does not have its own, you must add it (€1/pax) during the online purchase process.
  • Hours: MONDAY: 3 pm and 4 pm; TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm and 6 pm.
  • Maximum duration of the visit: 60 min.
  • The formalization of the booking implies the acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially those indicated for “Group Tour”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of the Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • If the online ticket purchasing process is cancelled, suspended or cut off, please contact our support telephone numbers: +34 915 816 100 (attention exclusively during the opening hours of the exhibition hall).
  • Other rates for groups (44 KB)
If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.
Soy la id : 432430

Buy tickets

Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night

Select an option



Individual Ticket (includes audioguide)

  • Allows to visit Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night and 1924. Other Surrealisms.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • In a brief explanation (15-20 min. approx.), our mediation team comments concepts and information to go in depth in the evaluation and enjoyment of the exhibited works. Explanations in Spanish.
  • Hours: WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY: from 5 to 8 pm; FRIDAY and SATURDAY: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon ticket. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


Group Visit 

  • It’s mandatory for the Group Visit to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax. a maximum of 15 pax (guide included).
  • The use of an audio-guiding system is mandatory for the visit. If the group does not have its own, you must add it (€1/pax) during the online purchase process.
  • Hours: TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 12:30 pm and 17:30 pm; SUNDAYS: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. Maximum duration of the visit: 60 min.
  • The formalization of the booking implies the acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially those indicated for “Group Tour”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of the Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for the late afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time (8 pm from Tuesday to Saturday; 7 pm on Sundays and holidays).
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • If the online ticket purchasing process is cancelled, suspended or cut off, please contact our support telephone numbers: +34 915 816 100 (attention exclusively during the opening hours of the exhibition hall).
  • Other rates for eligible groups (44 KB)

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432429

Buy tickets

1924. Other Surrealisms

Select an option



Individual Ticket (includes audioguide)

  • Allows to visit 1924. Other Surrealisms and Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Guided Tour (in Spanish)

  • In a tour lasting approximately one hour, our cultural mediators comment on the main pieces in the exhibition, sharing with the participants the aesthetic and historical keys to deepen the understanding of the Surrealist movement as a whole and the specific aspects highlighted by this exhibition.
  • Price: €7. The ticket also allows to visit Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night.
  • Hours: TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 12:30 pm and 17:30 pm; SUNDAYS: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. Groups consist of a maximum of 14 people. Approximate duration: 60 minutes.
  • The visit is carried out in spanish with an audio-guided system. No translation into english is offered. Disposable headphones are provided, but for sustainability reasons we recommend you to bring your own headphones.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€ 1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


Group Visit

  • It’s mandatory for the Group Visit to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax. a maximum of 15 pax (guide included).
  • The use of an audio-guiding system is mandatory for the visit. If the group does not have its own, you must add it (€1/pax) during the online purchase process.
  • Hours: TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 12:30 pm and 17:30 pm; SUNDAYS: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm​. Maximum duration of the visit: 60 min.
  • The formalization of the booking implies the acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially those indicated for “Group Tour”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of the Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for the late afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time (8 pm from Tuesday to Saturday; 7 pm on Sundays and holidays).
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • If the online ticket purchasing process is cancelled, suspended or cut off, please contact our support telephone numbers: +34 915 816 100 (attention exclusively during the opening hours of the exhibition hall).
  • Other rates for eligible groups (44 KB)

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432428

Buy tickets

Felipe Romero Beltrán. Bravo

Select an option



Individual Ticket 

  • Allows to visit Felipe Romero Beltrán. Bravo and José Guerrero. Concerning Landscape.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • Brief explanation (15-20 min. approx.) on concepts and information to go in depth in the evaluation and enjoyment of the exhibited works. Explanations in Spanish.
  • Hours:
    • UNTIL MARCH 31: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 4 to 7 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 4 to 7 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
    • FROM APRIL 1: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 5 to 8 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon ticket. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple Instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€ 1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


  • It’s mandatory for the group to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax and a maximum of 15 pax. (guide included)
  • Tuesdays: 11 am – 11:30 am – 12 pm.
  • The purchase of the ticket implies acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially of those indicated for the “Group Visit”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • This ticket is valid only for the day and time indicated. It will not be possible to enter the hall in advance. Likewise, admission is not guaranteed to visitors who show up at the hall after the reserved time.
  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of these Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for late in the afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time.
  • Due to conservation needs, the rooms maintain a constant temperature of 21º, so it is possible that during the visit it is convenient to bring some light warm clothing.
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • Other rates for eligible groups.

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432080

Buy tickets

José Guerrero​. Concerning Landscape

Select an option



Individual Ticket (includes audioguide)

  • Allows to visit José Guerrero. Concerning Landscape and Felipe Romero Beltrán. Bravo.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • Brief explanation (15-20 min. approx.) on concepts and information to go in depth in the evaluation and enjoyment of the exhibited works. Explanations in Spanish.
  • Hours:
    • UNTIL MARCH 31: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 4 to 7 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 4 to 7 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
    • FROM APRIL 1: Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 5 to 8 pm; Fridays and Saturdays: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; Sundays and Holidays: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon ticket. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple Instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


  • It’s mandatory for the group to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax and a maximum of 15 pax. (guide included)
  • Wednesdays: 4 pm – 4:30 pm – 5 pm.
  • The purchase of the ticket implies acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially of those indicated for the “Group Visit”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish or Catalan. If you are interested please consult sections Colegios y Familias (spanish) or Col·legis i Families (catalan).

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • This ticket is valid only for the day and time indicated. It will not be possible to enter the hall in advance. Likewise, admission is not guaranteed to visitors who show up at the hall after the reserved time.
  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of these Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for late in the afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time.
  • Due to conservation needs, the rooms maintain a constant temperature of 21º, so it is possible that during the visit it is convenient to bring some light warm clothing.
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • Other rates for eligible groups.

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432091

Buy tickets

Weegee. Autopsy of the Spectacle

Select an option



PLUS Ticket

  • TICKET and AUDIO GUIDE for Weegee. Autopsy of the Spectacle, 31 Women. An exhibition by Peggy Guggenheim and Paul Durand-Ruel and the twilight of Impressionism. The audio guide is accessible online, from your Smartphone, without downloads or installations. An audio device can also be requested in the room (if available; not compatible with Bluetooth).
  • Prices: PLUS General Admission: €9. PLUS Reduced Admission: €7.
  • Does not incluye headphones. You can add them (€1) during the online purchase or at the ticket office. For sustainability reasons we recommend you to bring your own headphones.

Individual Ticket

  • Allows to visit Weegee. Autopsy of the Spectacle, 31 Women. An exhibition by Peggy Guggenheim and Paul Durand-Ruel and the twilight of Impressionism.
  • General admission: €5.
  • Reduced admission: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • Free Access (0€): Mondays (except holidays), from 2 pm to 8 pm.

The beneficiaries of free admission must obtain their ticket at the ticket office in the room.

(In the case of free access due to disability / reduced mobility, you can request a ticket reservation in advance by e-mail:

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • At the designated times, our mediation team will be available in the exhibition room to share key information and concepts with visitors, facilitating a better appreciation and enjoyment of the exhibition.
  • Hours: WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS: from 5 to 8 pm.; FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon entry. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • Due to an INCIDENT, MAPFRE Client tickets cannot be obtained from the web sales channel at this time. Please contact us at and we will proceed to reserve your tickets on the day and time you indicate. Thank you very much and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€ 1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.


  • If you have already purchased a individual ticket and want to add the audio guide, you can purchase it here. Price: €4.
  • The audio guide is accessible online, from your Smartphone, without downloads or installations. An audio device can also be requested in the room (if available; not compatible with Bluetooth).
  • Does not incluye headphones. You can add them (€1) during the online purchase or at the ticket office. For sustainability reasons we recommend you to bring your own headphones.


Group Visit

  • It’s mandatory for the Group Visit to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax. a maximum of 15 pax (guide included).
  • The use of an audio-guiding system is mandatory for the visit. If the group does not have its own, you must add it (€1/pax) during the online purchase process.
  • Hours: MONDAY: 3 pm and 4 pm; TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm and 6 pm.
  • Maximum duration of the visit: 60 min.
  • The formalization of the booking implies the acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially those indicated for “Group Tour”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of the Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • If the online ticket purchasing process is cancelled, suspended or cut off, please contact our support telephone numbers: +34 915 816 100 (attention exclusively during the opening hours of the exhibition hall).
  • Other rates for groups (44 KB)
If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.
Soy la id : 432430

Buy tickets

Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night

Select an option



Individual Ticket (includes audioguide)

  • Allows to visit Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night and 1924. Other Surrealisms.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Commented Tour

  • Cultural mediation is one of the most dynamic and effective instruments used by Museums to provide their visitors a better understanding of exhibitions.
  • In a brief explanation (15-20 min. approx.), our mediation team comments concepts and information to go in depth in the evaluation and enjoyment of the exhibited works. Explanations in Spanish.
  • Hours: WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY: from 5 to 8 pm; FRIDAY and SATURDAY: from 12 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm; SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS: from 12 to 2 pm.
  • No additional cost upon ticket. Information at reception desk.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


Group Visit 

  • It’s mandatory for the Group Visit to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax. a maximum of 15 pax (guide included).
  • The use of an audio-guiding system is mandatory for the visit. If the group does not have its own, you must add it (€1/pax) during the online purchase process.
  • Hours: TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 12:30 pm and 17:30 pm; SUNDAYS: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. Maximum duration of the visit: 60 min.
  • The formalization of the booking implies the acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially those indicated for “Group Tour”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of the Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for the late afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time (8 pm from Tuesday to Saturday; 7 pm on Sundays and holidays).
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • If the online ticket purchasing process is cancelled, suspended or cut off, please contact our support telephone numbers: +34 915 816 100 (attention exclusively during the opening hours of the exhibition hall).
  • Other rates for eligible groups (44 KB)

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432429

Buy tickets

1924. Other Surrealisms

Select an option



Individual Ticket (includes audioguide)

  • Allows to visit 1924. Other Surrealisms and Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night.
  • GENERAL ADMISSION: €5 / REDUCED ADMISSION: €3 (Beneficiaries of reduced admission).
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Guided Tour (in Spanish)

  • In a tour lasting approximately one hour, our cultural mediators comment on the main pieces in the exhibition, sharing with the participants the aesthetic and historical keys to deepen the understanding of the Surrealist movement as a whole and the specific aspects highlighted by this exhibition.
  • Price: €7. The ticket also allows to visit Sakiko Nomura. Tender is the night.
  • Hours: TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 12:30 pm and 17:30 pm; SUNDAYS: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. Groups consist of a maximum of 14 people. Approximate duration: 60 minutes.
  • The visit is carried out in spanish with an audio-guided system. No translation into english is offered. Disposable headphones are provided, but for sustainability reasons we recommend you to bring your own headphones.

MAPFRE Clients

  • MAPFRE offers to its policyholders 2 free tickets (4 if Platinum Client) for each exhibition season. To obtain courtesy tickets of MAPFRE, access the online ticket office and follow the purchase process. Tickets are discounted at the end of the purchase process: before payment, the program will request your ID and will automatically activate the free tickets that correspond to you.
  • You can also get them at the ticket office in the room, presenting your ID.
  • Invitations must be used in a single visit.
  • Any question you have, please check these simple instructions.
  • AUDIOGUIDE: All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.

Collaborating Entities

  • If you belong to any of the entities that collaborate with Fundación MAPFRE, you must obtain your reduced ticket (€ 1 or €3) at the ticket office in the room.

Audioguides (headphones)

  • All individual ticket types include an audioguide.
  • The audioguide is accessible online via a QR code available at various points in the exhibition hall. To access it, you will need a mobile device with internet access. If you do not have an active mobile internet connection, you can use the free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid disturbing other visitors, please use the audio guide with headphones, which are not included in the ticket price. For reasons of sustainability, we recommend that visitors bring their own. In case you need to purchase them (1€, jack type), the option is offered during the online ticket purchase process. They can also be purchased at the ticket office (keeping the corresponding queue) and at the bookshop.
  • If you choose not to use headphones, please keep your cell phone close to your ear and at a low volume.


Group Visit

  • It’s mandatory for the Group Visit to have a guide or person in charge. To request a guide from the Foundation, ask please for information and rates to:
  • The group must be made up of a minimum of 6 pax. a maximum of 15 pax (guide included).
  • The use of an audio-guiding system is mandatory for the visit. If the group does not have its own, you must add it (€1/pax) during the online purchase process.
  • Hours: TUESDAY to FRIDAY: 12:30 pm and 17:30 pm; SUNDAYS: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm​. Maximum duration of the visit: 60 min.
  • The formalization of the booking implies the acceptance of the Rules for the visit, especially those indicated for “Group Tour”.



Educational activities for schools are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.


Educational activities for families are developed entirely in Spanish. If you are interested please consult section Colegios y Familias.

IMPORTANT: Before you start the ticket buying process, we strongly recommend that you take into account the following observations:

  • Tickets changes or returns are not allowed except for justified force majeure.
  • The purchase of tickets presupposes the acceptance of the Rules for the visit. We recommend reading it before entering the room.
  • If your visit is scheduled for the late afternoon, please remember that the room is cleared 10 minutes before closing time (8 pm from Tuesday to Saturday; 7 pm on Sundays and holidays).
  • Fundación MAPFRE is not responsible for the rates, schedules and other information applied on the websites of other entities where tickets for their exhibitions can be purchased.
  • If the online ticket purchasing process is cancelled, suspended or cut off, please contact our support telephone numbers: +34 915 816 100 (attention exclusively during the opening hours of the exhibition hall).
  • Other rates for eligible groups (44 KB)

If you need more information about the exhibition, you can see it here.

Soy la id : 432428