We have been supporting projects in the Aztec country for years

The United Mexican States, with its more than 120 million inhabitants, is the most populated Spanish-speaking country and one of the most linguistically diverse. Almost 300 languages are spoken throughout Mexico, of which 67 are recognized as official. The country is also the largest tourist power in Latin America and the second largest economic power after Brazil.
8 projects
Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer supports children with cancer and their families in Mexico
La Casa de la Amistad is a learning community that improves the quality of life of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer in Mexico, along with that of their families.
Transforming childhood and adolescence in the Valle de Chalco
It is possible to transform the social environment through education. With this key principle in mind, Mano Amiga de Chalco works on academic excellence and comprehensive training of children and young people in Chalco so that when they reach adulthood they can work for the common good and transform this valley.
Campeones de la Vida NR A.C. “Nariz roja” educates children with cancer in Mexico
The “Caring for our future” project seeks to reduce the educational gap for children and young people with cancer in Mexico, avoiding school dropout and educational lag, and offering this vulnerable group and their families comprehensive services that are free of charge and of high quality.
Getting out of poverty in the Monte Albán community in Oaxaca
In the Monte Albán community, in Oaxaca, there are no opportunities. Poverty plagues this community with high rates of marginalization and vulnerability. The association CESAL works to transform this reality with a comprehensive care program that promotes human development of children and young people, and their families.
We support the UP IPADE Foundation in the comprehensive development of the people of Santa Fe, Mexico
The MAPFRE COMMUNITY-Panamerican Univeristy project promotes activities aimed at improving the quality of life of children, young people, adults and senior citizens to boost their all-round development in the Mexican community of Santa Fe.
The Alimenta un niño (Feed a child) project covers the nutritional needs of 330 children in Santa Fe
The Fundación CMR – Comedor Santa María works on the “Feed a child” program in Santa Fe, Mexico City. The project wants to bring an end to the food insecurity suffered by children living in vulnerable situations by offering them a healthy nutritional service as well as the chance to develop their skillset through an educational program.
Fundación Real Madrid changes the lives of vulnerable minors through sports
Children and young people who take part in the social sports school have very few options for personal development, low academic aspirations and are at high risk of abandonment.
UAPEP focuses on education to transform the future
The UPAEP (Popular Autonomous State University of Puebla in Mexico) provides scholarships and support for young people with dreams of social leadership to help them become agents of change in their communities.