A flower for our elders
Our volunteers create a garden of solidarity

During the pandemic, Fundación MAPFRE’s volunteers have been more active than ever. In addition to their activities to accompany elderly people who were alone during the state of alarm, our volunteers have spent time with their families, friends or alone to make solidarity flowers.
The initiative A flower for our elders wants to fulfill the objective of helping many elderly people who suffer from need and loneliness. How to achieve this? During the confinement, volunteers have created flowers with the materials they found at home: cardboard, card, fabric, etc. A whole garden that will be sold at the solidarity markets. The proceeds will be used for projects aimed at the elderly in our proyect Sé Solidario.
The participants tell us in first person about their experience.
During the long afternoons of the confinement
During the long afternoons of confinement I made flowers, and I am glad that what at the time was a distraction, became a tiny contribution to help to our elders who have given us everything and in this case, are the most vulnerable.
A soothing balm that also helps the elderly
For me it has been a true pleasure to be able to help by doing something that I used to do only to relax. I warmly applaud the ‘A Flower for the Elderly’ initiative, because in addition to helping our elders, it has given us volunteers the opportunity to endure the long and unsettling days of confinement with more hope, excitement and entertainment. Creating those flowers for me was soothing after hours of remote working.