Creando huellas
So that confinement does not widen the gaps of inequality in education

With the confinement and schools closed, many families who need support to keep going have seen a lack of help or the help disappearing all together. The difficulties faced by many households are manifold. Not only do they lack basic necessities, but their children’s education has also been affected.
To alleviate this situation, to continue providing support to children who need school tuition, so that the confinement does not widen the inequality gaps, Fundación MAPFRE volunteers has participated in the school support program Creando huellas. Here they tell us about their experience.
The great satisfaction of helping others
I participated in the school support program Creando huellas.
Being able to help others is always a positive, enjoyable and even necessary activity.
In these difficult times, I consider this an essential initiative, because resources and means of action have been limited due to the confinement, and needs have increased.
An unforgettable experience for both of us
Participating in the school support program Creando huellas has been a wonderful experience and one of the best volunteer actions I have ever done.
The truth is that I have never participated in an activity like this before and it is enormously rewarding. Seeing the happy face of a girl with a tablet for the first time with a connection to attend her online classes and see ”her private teacher”, and her enthusiasm to learn everything taught in the class, made this experience an unforgettable one for both of us.
Without a doubt very recommendable.
A very rewarding experience
Ismael has been an exemplary student, he had his homework ready and told me that he studied a lot and wanted to work in the health field. In fact, his brother is a doctor and works in his home country. His mother talks to him every day because she’s so worried.
One day I introduced him to my daughter, who came into the room to ask me something (I was working from home) and he thought she was very pretty. He asked me where I lived, I told him that I lived in a very nice place, near the sea, Ismael told me that he liked the sea very much, so I took my computer to the terrace and showed him the sea. Ismael began shouting with excitement.
After the day of the exam, I asked him how it went and he told me he got a grade 7.
This has been a very rewarding experience for me.
It’s impossible not to get involved
I think I taught a total of about 10-12 hours class in two and a half weeks. It was only a few days but Ismael is a child with an inordinate desire to learn and we ended up having class about 4 or 5 days a week including weekends. I also sent him videos explaining parts of the curriculum that he found most difficult so he could watch them and go over the subjects whenever it suited him.
Ismael has been a fantastic student, very eager to learn, very committed and applied. Always polite, open and friendly. It has been a pleasure to teach him, and I have learned a lot myself by listening to him and answering his questions. I never thought I’d end up teaching so many hours in so few days, but you see the effect you have on a child, how you help them understand the subject and you see their confidence grow day by day. It’s impossible not to get involved. I loved the experience and I have the added satisfaction that Ismael got a 7 out of 10 in his final exam!