Social Employment Project
We facilitate Access to the Labor Market

Fundación MAPFRE has been working since the very beginning, to promote and further access to the labor market. We are constantly committed to this goal through our Social Employment Project.
The Fundación MAPFRE Social Employment Project is a project aimed at encouraging the creation of employment, from the viewpoint of workers and hiring companies. It is a project that seeks to develop employability. It gives support to SMEs in Spain, through recruitment aid, and everyone, –unemployed, youths seeking their first job, people with disability, etc.- who want to develop their professional career or to find their first job.
From Fundación MAPFRE, we want to develop employment in Spain. With our Social Employment Project, which includes projects such as Accedemos and Juntos Somos Capaces, we can make this come about with dedication and effort.

We strive to ensure that everyone is given the opportunities to develop both personally and socially. Through our programs, we promote the integration of groups at risk of social exclusion, and we set up mechanisms to guarantee equality and respect for diversity, encouraging personal autonomy and the practice of sport.

We are aware that work helps to foster people´s development and integration in society. Through our grants for recruitment programs we aim to foster employment, facilitating access to the labor market for the unemployed, with a particular emphasis on people with intellectual disabilities, and helping small enterprises to recruit new staff.

We bring together unemployed people with intellectual disabilities and the different companies on the program so the former can do work experience placements at the latter with the possibility of joining the company at a later date. Find out more and get a job.