Hogar de Niñas de Cupey offers a future to homeless girls and young women in Puerto Rico

Comprehensive education to respond to the individual needs of girls who have suffered neglect and violence

El hogar de niñas de Cupey, in Puerto Rico, a children's home for girls, looks after, cares for and helps build a better future for 30 mistreated young girls

Home > Social Action > International Social Projects > Puerto Rico > Hogar de Niñas de Cupey offers a future to homeless girls and young women in Puerto Rico

Current Project

The girls who arrive at the Hogar de Cupey have gone through situations of extreme suffering such as abandonment, mistreatment, exploitation and sexual abuse. There they recover from their physical and mental wounds and receive an education in a healthy and protected environment that offers them the security and stability they need.

Since 2009, when the programme was launched, more than 125 girls have graduated. The participants have improved their self-esteem and have developed good study and work habits.

The Special Education Program is reinforced with a tutoring program that takes place at Home to improve performance and support students. The basic subjects that are reinforced are Spanish, English, mathematics and science.

With this program, girls are aware that in the not too distant future they will be able to access a job and a self-sufficient life. Thanks to education they will be able to achieve their goals. Tutorials have a very prominent role in this project since it offers specific educational attention through which teachers initiate a process of accompaniment to improve the academic performance of girls, guide them in their concerns and expectations and listen to their emotional problems.