Projects that offer a future

Nicaragua is a volcanic and tropical country located in Central America. In addition to having a coastline on both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, it has two large inland lakes. A scenario during the 80’s of a bloody civil war, since 1990 it lives in a situation of relative stability and economic development.
3 projects
Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos in Nicaragua promotes the comprehensive development of children and young people in a rural area
NPH Nicaragua offers educational opportunities to 320 vulnerable children and young people in a safe and healthy environment, with the goal of empowering them to break out of the cycle of poverty and social marginalization that they come from. The education they receive is the key to improving their future.
Hogar Luceros del Amanecer ensures the comprehensive development of children and young people in Nicaragua
In the city of Camoapa, Nicaragua, many families live in very extreme conditions. Fundación Civil Hogar Luceros del Amanecer offers children and young people from vulnerable families the opportunity to develop in a healthy and balanced way, and to train for a better future.
Nutrition, health and training in order for more than 400 children to escape from poverty
In a country with a high child labor rate, the Pan y Amor school provides nutrition, education and training to more than 431 minors who are not able to access decent employment. 85% of them gain a qualification which opens doors for them to an opportunity-filled future.