We develop comprehensive education projects

This country, made up of the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino and other uninhabited islets, is the smallest in the European Union. With less than half a million inhabitants, it is also the most densely populated. Its strategic location in the middle of the Mediterranean has meant that throughout its history it has been dominated by Aragonese, French and British forces.
4 projects
Caritas Tal-Ibwar helps rehabilitate young drug addicts in Malta
Through a rehabilitation programme, the association offers a safe and supportive space where young people can address the shortcomings that have led to drug abuse and help them overcome their addiction.
The Jesuit Refugee Service offers education to refugee children and young people in Malta
JRS Malta provides legal, social, medical, psychological, educational and spiritual assistance to refugee children and young people. The aim is to meet their most immediate needs with the long-term goal of achieving self-sufficiency.
Helping children and young people with disabilities in Malta
The Fundación Equal Partners is running a project helping 184 children with disabilities and their families through comprehensive education, in order that they can be in control of their lives in Valleta, Malta.
Using our senses is also a learning process
Stimulating the senses can open up the door to learning. The people with disabilities who attend Fundación Inspire’s multi-sensory rooms can touch, hear, see and move by controlling their environment. These are sensations that they might be feeling for the first time in their lives.