El Salvador
Fundación MAPFRE supports the implementation of projects in the country

This small Central American country bathed by the coasts of the Pacific Ocean has a population of six and a half million, making it the most densely populated state in the Americas. Between 1980 and 1992, El Salvador suffered a civil war that killed approximately 75,000 people. Fundación MAPFRE supports projects that work to improve the coexistence and living conditions of Salvadorans.
4 projects
Working for children in El Salvador with the Fundación Amigos del Real Madrid
The Project of the Socio-Sports Schools of the Fundación Real Madrid in El Salvador aims to train in an integral way through the practice of sport to children and young people who are at risk of social exclusion and among whom values of coexistence, emotional intelligence, the management of digital tools and the safe use of the Internet are promoted.
Fundación CINDE provides educational and nutritional support to children in El Salvador
This project provides care focused on the comprehensive development of children and young people in some of the most vulnerable areas of San Salvador, as individuals with rights, promoting their physical, emotional, social and intellectual development.
Educational and nutritional care for children from the Soyapango and Mejicanos municipalities in El Salvador
In the Soyapango and Mejicanos municipalities of San Salvador, many female heads of households find it very difficult to take care of their children. The Fundación CINDE provides children with food, education and the opportunity of a better future.
Mensajeros de la Paz (Messengers of Peace): two homes for hope in El Salvador
The project “Centros de Acogimiento Institucional” (Institutional Care Centers) offers comprehensive care to people with severe disabilities and other syndromes, in the Hogar Mensajeros de La Paz; and to children and adolescents with HIV, in the Hogar Reina Sofía.