Social Projects in Brazil

Associação de Combate à Desnutrição brings education and health to the Favelas

More than 600 children benefit from the work of the Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional (CREN).

More than 600 children benefit from the work of the Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional (CREN).

Home > Social Action > International Social Projects > Brazil > Associação de Combate à Desnutrição brings education and health to the Favelas

Completed Project

The Associação de Combate à Desnutrição provides healthcare, educational and nutritional assistance to malnourished children in Brazil. With the support of Fundación MAPFRE, it cares for 600 minors in 23 favelas through the Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional (CREN).

This center offers two types of support: children with major malnutrition problems are placed in a semi-residential regime, staying at the center from 8 am to 5 pm and receiving 5 balanced meals, continuous educational support and attention in various areas. The association also looks after children with mild malnutrition, who are treated in outpatient clinics on a monthly basis; 500 children a month are cared for in this way.

This project focuses on treating the children through a balanced diet, infection and parasite control, educational work and helping to improve their cognitive development.

The staff at the center play a key role in identifying and diagnosing children with nutritional problems who live in the city’s poorest neighborhoods. All of them begin treatment, which in the most serious cases is carried out on a semi-residential basis. During this time they have access to five meals a day, with a menu designed to cover all their nutritional needs. This assistance is complemented by medical, pediatric, dental and psychological support, and intense educational work is carried out in conjunction with their families.