WAYS of self-improvement
22.FEB.2021 ──────── 21.MAY.2021

22.FEB.2021 ── 21.MAY.2021
Hall 2 de Torre MAPFRE, 08005, Barcelona
Monday to Friday from 11:00 am. to 7:00 pm.
*To visit the exhibition, you need to book in advance at the concierge desk in the MAPFRE Tower. Your accreditation card also gives you access to the cafeteria.
Disabilities are often invisible. This statement, and the reality that lies behind it, was what encouraged photo-journalists Quim Puig and Romuald Gallofré to embark on this project that aims to offer a different way of looking at people with disabilities.
Their cameras have captured how 15 protagonists with disabilities live their day-to-day lives in their workplaces. Through their abilities, the subjects claim their right to a normal life, proving that they are totally capable of joining the labor market; they are artists, politicians, sportspeople, journalists, doctors, gardeners, receptionists or couriers, among other professions. With their message they aim to make society aware that being disabled is not a barrier to achieving their professional aspirations and they ask to be accepted in the labor market by offering all their skills to society.
In Catalonia, 611,035 people have some form of disability. But who are these people? What jobs to they do? This exhibition gives us a closer insight into their lives, also offering a snapshot of the current situation of the labor market for people with disabilities in Catalonia. The objective of this exhibition is to confirm that normal employment for people with disabilities is possible and exists.
The promoters of the exhibition, Fundación Grupo SIFU, have been working for 15 years to foster the social integration and employability of people with disabilities and to raise society’s awareness of the importance of showcasing the skills of people with functional diversity by developing their attributes, strengthening their professionalism, and promoting equal opportunities, harmonious coexistence, respect and individual freedoms.
Don’t miss these 15 different views on disability. Get to know our heroes. Give them visibility.

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