Recommended bibliography
A selection of current issues from the Documentation Center

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Find out more about ESG criteria, sustainable development, socially responsible investments, Agenda 2030, and more.

We are talking about the key trends that will determine the future in the insurance sector. Technology ecosystems, customer experience, artificial intelligence (AI) talent, and so on.

Find the best rankings and statistics on companies, markets, insurance outlooks, economics, and more.

Access Spanish and EU insurance legislation. Find information on laws, regulations, and standards.

The meeting point between the insurance sector and technological innovation. Find out more!

Technology, the best ally for the Digital Evolution: blockchain, IoT, IA, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, etc.

Find out about the reinsurance sector. Its approaches, challenges and concepts. Find out more!

Discover the publications from Fundación MAPFRE. Reports, guides, research studies, sectoral and economic analyses, and others.
Discover our recommended publications
The Fundación MAPFRE Documentation Center offers you a selection of specialized publications designed to keep you up to date on key topics such as sustainability, innovation and risk management. Our goal is to provide you with reliable resources to help you expand your knowledge in areas related to insurance, economics and social welfare.
What will you find in our publications?
- Sustainability and ESG: Explore the most significant trends in sustainable development, responsible investment and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
- Digital transformation: Learn about the impact of technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and machine learning in the insurance sector.
- Trends in the insurance sector: We analyze current challenges and opportunities, from the customer experience to applied artificial intelligence.
- Statistics and economic studies: Access rankings, data and market analysis that will help you better understand the current situation.
- Insurtech and technological innovation: Discover how technology is revolutionizing the world of insurance.
- Risk management and reinsurance: Detailed and up-to-date information for professionals and companies interested in efficiently mitigating risks.
At Fundación MAPFRE we believe in the power of knowledge for transforming society. That is why we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter and receive the latest publications, reports and studies of interest straight to your inbox.