Insurance and Social Protection
Promoting financial and insurance culture

Your peace of mind, our objective
Insurance is a basic tool in today’s social structure. That is why our goal is to promote and spread knowledge about it and foster research into issues concerning insurance and social protection.
We believe that insurance provides people with protection and peace of mind, hence the importance of informing people and raising their awareness of its social function and its important role in the economy. We dedicate our efforts and resources to carrying out this dissemination task, making it possible for us to give back to society a portion of the benefits obtained through the activity of insurance companies.
A global project
Over time, our activities have achieved considerable international outreach and we now work in more than 11 countries in collaboration with various organizations: universities, professional and business associations, public authorities and third sector institutions. Our actions are widely recognized, mainly in Spain and Latin America.
Committed to insurance knowledge
Every year we offer research grants to provide financial support to people who wish to conduct research projects in this field of activity. In addition, we publish regular reports and studies on different areas of insurance and social protection.
Our commitment to knowledge is also embodied in our Documentation Center, which specializes in Insurance, Risk Management and Social Security, and where related subjects including Economics and Law can also be consulted. The Center makes a web catalog, with more than 170,000 bibliographic references available to the public, as well as a free information search and location service.
As a complementary tool, the online edition of the MAPFRE Insurance Dictionary registers more than 180,000 term queries per year, and this resource is constantly being updated. Since 2017 the Brazilian version has also been available.
Financial education, a cornerstone for society
Since 1989, at Fundación MAPFRE we have been developing financial education activities, with special emphasis on insurance and risk management, for different educational levels and society in general.
According to the Fundación MAPFRE report “The Social Perception of Insurance”, more than 56% of people agree that it is important for schools to provide education on insurance matters.
We offer teachers free educational resources aimed at students of different levels, such as:
PLAYPENSION, a board game aimed at Spanish students in their final year of secondary school, which challenges them to manage a family budget, allowing them to learn about the importance of saving and managing their financial resources throughout their lives. We offer this as a workshop for the classroom, both face-to-face and virtual, and we also have an online version of the game so that trainers can use it with their students from anywhere in the world, at any time.
FINEXIT. The financial escape room, is a resource for Vocational Training students in Spain. Through this game they solve strategy and skill tests to learn and strengthen concepts that are part of their educational curriculum. Through the game, led by a Fundación MAPFRE game master, students learn while they play. It will soon be available for students in Brazil and Mexico.

For universities, business schools and institutions related to the insurance sector, we have developed the business strategy simulation game bugaMAP, which is played by more than 2,000 participants in different countries each year. In 2015, this specialized training program received the gold insignia from León University.
Within the education section, and through our agreement with Fundación Carolina, each year we award scholarships for postgraduate students to undertake specialist insurance research in Spain.
We also have a space in the Interactive Museum of Economics in Mexico, where Mexican students learn about the importance of insurance through workshops and interactive resources.
Financial well-being for society as a whole
The Seguros y Pensiones para Todos project has not stopped growing since its launch in 2015. With the aim of sharing insurance knowledge with society in simple, clear and direct language, the website has specific sections on insurance and social security, as well as another on savings. These offer simple tips and tricks for instilling a culture that will help achieve vital objectives and allow people to enjoy peace of mind in the future. We will soon create a new section addressing investments, covering how these support savings, the different investment options and the characteristics of each, through specific content and courses. This website, which receives more than 600,000 visits a year, also supports all the educational resources offered to teachers.
In addition, we publish free informational guides that help the general public understand the different aspects of risk, planning and insurance and, in collaboration with universities and other institutions, we organize technical conferences and seminars, both on site and via streaming, which have been attended by more than 2,000 participants.
A specialist insurance museum
As part of this outreach work, we also have the Insurance Museum, with a permanent exhibition, which you can also tour virtually, tracing the history of insurance from its origins to the present day. The Museum offers guided tours for groups if you book in advance.