Social Action
We work to improve people’s living conditions

Our commitment
Through our social action programs, we promote the integration of groups at risk of social exclusion, offering backing and support to people in the most disadvantaged of situations and to their families, relying on education as a development tool and assisting them to get into the labor market.
We firmly believe that everyone that forms part of our society should have the opportunity to be able to develop both personally and socially.
Through our corporate volunteer program, our objective is to channel the spirit of solidarity shown by different collectives into activities that benefit the most needy.
We are close to you
We are currently present in 25 countries, in which we carry out our activities in collaboration with institutions and non-profit organizations.
Each year, we reach almost 3,000,000 beneficiaries. And more than 3,500,000 people follow our activities through our website and social media.
Recognition for our efforts
Since this division was created we have received numerous awards and expressions of gratitude for our activities. Between 2019 and 2021, we received, among other things:
- 2019:
- Award for Fundación MAPFRE’s Social Employment Project, Proyecto Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) for its commitment to and support for the employment of people with intellectual disabilities, awarded by A TODA VELA ALMERÍA, Asociación discapacidad intelectual en Almería, which promotes leisure, employment, training, autonomy and independent living and volunteering. February.”
- Stela Award to the Fundación MAPFRE Social Employment Project, Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) Project for the Workplace Integration of People with Disabilities, awarded by FUNDACIÓN SÍNDROME DE DOWN. These awards recognize the work of companies and organizations that have made a commitment to incorporate workers with intellectual disabilities. April.”
- Recognition from AFDEM CASTELLÓN for the Fundación MAPFRE Social Employment Project, Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can), for the labor and social integration of people with mental health problems in the Castellón area. May.”
- ALARES Award in the Institutions category, to the Fundación MAPFRE Social Employment Project, Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) Workplace Integration Project for people with disabilities, for promoting the integration of people with intellectual disabilities or mental health problems in ordinary companies. June.”
- Award for the Fundación MAPFRE Social Employment Project, Juntos Somos Capaces Project for facilitating the incorporation of people with intellectual disabilities in companies in Malaga, presented by GRUPO FRANSAN, on its 20th anniversary, a company specializing in waste treatment and management, cleaning and auxiliary services for businesses, from Malaga. November.”
- 2020:
- To mark its 15th anniversary, the Asociación Asperger TEA de Cádiz presented this special award to the project “Juntos Somos Capaces” (Together We Can), in appreciation of its longstanding collaboration with this association and its support for integrating people with Asperger’s Syndrome into the workplace. February.”
- An award to the Fundación MAPFRE Social Employment Project for the Juntos Somos Capaces project aimed at integrating people with disabilities into the labor market, presented by the Asperger Syndrome Association of Granada. On the occasion of International Asperger’s Day, 15 February, the organization Asperger Granada honored the Juntos Somos Capaces program for its enormous support and commitment to the employment of people with Asperger’s and other ASD in Granada. February.”
- Award given to Fundación MAPFRE’s Social Employment Project, the Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) project for the integration of people with disabilities into the workplace, presented by FUNDACIÓN SERES. These awards recognize the best strategic and innovative actions that generate value for society and companies. Award given to the program Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can), a program that brings together companies, social entities and public administration to integrate people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness into the workforce. October.”
- First Runner-up in the Third Sector category: national level, given to the Fundación MAPFRE Social Employment Project, Juntos Somos Capaces (“Together We Can”), a project for the labor integration of people with disabilities, presented by SUPERCUIDADORES. These awards are intended to recognize the work of both individuals and legal entities for their efforts and actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly, people suffering from any type of illness or in a situation of disability and/or dependency. November.”
- 2021:
- “Award given to Fundación MAPFRE’s Social Employment Project, Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can), presented by ASPRONA ALBACETE for its support in the workplace inclusion of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in the province of Albacete. December.”
- “Award to Fundación MAPFRE’s Social Employment Project Award, Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can), granted by Fundación Diversidad in the Large Company category for the family project. December.
Initiatives for society
Here we present the programs and actions we are undertaking with the objective of achieving a better world and a better future for all:
‘Sé Solidario’ Program
The aim is to support small NGOs and associations nationwide through fundraising and encouraging ever more widespread volunteer activities and actions to highlight the value of showing solidarity as one of the most important elements for coexistence in society, achieved through differentiated social causes:
- Vidas Cruzadas: through which our intention is to partner directly with projects involved in the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of people affected by rare diseases or disabilities.
- Cuenta con nosotros: through which we want to take direct action alongside those associations and institutions that help the most needy by providing them with basic necessities (food, clothing, medicines etc.).
- Help us to improve their future: a personalized sponsorship program for families in extremely vulnerable situations and in need of urgent assistance.
International Social Projects
A society with future prospects is one that encourages the development of its citizens. Our objective is to foster comprehensive education concentrating mainly on children and young people from disadvantaged communities.
Fundación MAPFRE defines comprehensive education as including all the aspects required to be able to develop fully as a person. That is why we work in collaboration with local organizations on projects that support nutrition, health, education, empowering women and training for entry into the workforce.
Social Employment Program
- Recruitment grants through which we promote access to the labor market for the unemployed and assist SMEs, the self-employed and social entities to incorporate talent.
- Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can), which encourages the workplace integration of people with intellectual disability and mental illness, by using the employment with support model.
- APP Soy Cappaz. We have developed this app as a help tool so that people with intellectual disability can lead independent lives, especially in the workplace, improving their level of autonomy and professional integration.
Educational Program
We strongly believe in education as an essential process in the evolution of society. That is why we have put our full resources at the disposal of schools and teaching professionals, both in and out of the classroom, to come up with innovative experiences that are motivational and make learning easier through:
- Encouraging best educational practices to achieve inclusion.
- Applying a cooperation-based work method.
- New teaching paths to prevent school dropout and failure.
- The promotion of comprehensive education in disadvantaged environments.
Fundación MAPFRE Volunteer Program
This channels the solidarity activities of the socially committed companies that form part of the program. They encourage their interest groups to take part in volunteer work. The program pursues four lines of activity in over 25 countries: health, nutrition, education, and emergency aid, with the goal of improving the living conditions of the various social groups we assist, in particular the most disadvantaged.
Other activities
Sport and Disability. We want to facilitate access to sport for people with disabilities and to this end we offer the Juntos lo Logramos Programme (Together We Can Do It), which involves activities aimed at people with intellectual disabilities, held in centers throughout Spain, in collaboration with the Special Olympics Foundation Spain. These sporting events are designed so that people with motor and intellectual difficulties can engage in specific physical-sporting activities.