Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico we have continued to support those who need it most, through various projects. Highlights include our Scholarships for Education and Development for Children at High Social Risk, our Scholarship Program for the Education and Integral Development of Abused Girls, and our Volunteer Program, the special delivery of 850 boxes of non-perishable food and drinking water to families affected by the hurricanes in Yubocoa, and our Fire Prevention program, in which 2,770 children took part. In the field of health, the educational program Control Your Network ran for yet another year, educating children in the appropriate and healthy use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
Other highlights include the Christmas Education Campaign, widely publicized through radio and on social media, to prevent accidents after the devastating impact of Hurricane Maria. The campaign consisted of a series of tips to help prevent distractions at the wheel, alcohol consumption and stress.