2022 Awards
Young people and their future in our sights

- Seven Star Sports Award from the Community of Madrid for the promotion of sport
Institution: Community of Madrid
Activity: Promotion of sport - Recognition by APICI, the Spanish association of fire protection engineering professionals, for our 25-year collaboration, as well as for Fire Prevention Week and similar initiatives developed by Fundación MAPFRE
Institution: APICI
Activity: Fire Prevention Week - Special Aula Magna 22 Panel Award, presented by the Instituto e-Learning del Seguro, for our work involving teaching, support and the ongoing promotion of training in the insurance sector
Institution: Instituto e-Learning del Seguro
Activity: Training in the insurance sector (Seguros y Pensiones para Todos and CDOC) - Award from the young people’s business association, the Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios, for our Social Employment Project (Juntos Somos Capaces and Accedemos)
Institution: Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios
Activity: Juntos Somos Capaces and Accedemos