2018 Awards
Encouragement that motivates us to keep working

- Medal of Honor from the Royal Academy of Medicine
Institution: Royal Academy of Medicine (Spain)
Activity: Foundation - Prince Michael International Road Safety Award
Institution: Randstad Foundation (Great Britain)
Activity: Goal Zero - Spanish Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Council
Institution: Spanish Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Council (Spain)
Activity: CPR and spreading the word in society - Corresponsables Awards
Institution: Corresponsables Foundation (Spain)
Activity: Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) - International Safety Media Award
Institution: Alaska Injury Prevention Center (United States)
Activity: Goal Zero / Victims of Road Traffic Accidents Video - Medal of Honor from the city of Ica
Institution: Municipality of ICA (Peru)
Activity: Aid provided by Fundación MAPFRE - CUBI Awards
Institution: Federation of Chefs and Confectioners Associations (FACYRE) (Spain)
Activity: SOS Respira (SOS Breathe) - Values Apps Award (Finalists)
Institution: Sindicat de Pares (Spain)
Activity: En tus manos (In your hands) - Dirigentes Awards
Institution: Dirigentes Magazine (Spain)
Activity: Institutional - National Gastronomy Award (Finalists)
Institution: Royal Academy of Gastronomy (Spain)
Activity: SOS Respira (SOS Breathe) - 4th International CPR Congress Award
Institution: 12 October University Hospital Foundation (Spain)
Activity: Spreading the word about CPR in society - Medal of Honor from the National Police
Institution: National Police (Spain)
Activity: Foundational activities - Recognition from the Majadahonda City Hall
Institution: Majadahonda City Council (Spain)
Activity: Road safety education activities - Theatre initiative Award
Institution: Public Relations Association (Bursa) (Turkey)
Activity: Goal Zero