2017 Awards
Recognitions in Europe and the United States

- ASSA Awards for educational inclusion
Institution: Sevillana Asperger Syndrome Association (Spain)
Activity: Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) - Youth Employment Awards
Institution: Mahou-San Miguel Foundation (Spain)
Activity: Social Program for Employment - The Madame Figaro-Rencontres de’Arles Photography Award 2017
Institution: Asindown (France)
Activity: Paz Errázuriz Exhibition - Randstad Foundation Awards
Institution: Fundación Randstad (Spain)
Activity: Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) - iMujer Awards
Institution: Gedeon Richter (Spain)
Activity: Mujeres por el Corazón (Women for the Heart) - Best Social Initiative Awards 2016
Institution: Compromiso Empresarial – CAF (International)
Activity: SOS Respira (SOS Breathe) - Financial Education Plan Awards
Institution: Bank of Spain (Spain)
Activity: “Seguros y pensiones para todos” (Insurance and pensions for all) - PrevCon Awards
Institution: Safe Kids Worldwide (United States)
Activity: Accident Prevention Program for children - Stela Awards 2017
Institution: Down Syndrome Foundation (Spain)
Activity: Juntos Somos Capaces (Together We Can) - Recognition for Companies Collaborating with Asindown
Institution: Asindown (Spain)
Activity: Social and labor inclusion - Selection of the best photography books
Institution: New York Times (United States)
Activity: Paz Errázuriz Exhibition