Governing Bodies

Governing bodies of Fundación MAPFRE

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The Board of Trustees of Fundación MAPFRE is its highest governing body, with full powers of representation, decision, management and execution, with no further limitations than those established by the articles of association and applicable legal provisions. A steering commission, the Management Committee, works under the auspices of the Board of Trustees.

The composition, competence and action of the Board of Trustees and its Management Committee are governed by the articles of association and Regulations.

Honorary President

José Manuel Martínez, Honorary President

Honorary President

José Manuel Martínez Martínez

Honary Trustees

Carlos Álvarez Jiménez - Trustee of Honor

Trustee of Honor

Carlos Álvarez Jiménez

Board of Trustees

Antonio Huertas Mejías - Chairman of MAPFRE - President of Fundación MAPFRE


Antonio Huertas Mejías

José Manuel Inchausti - CEO of the IBERIA Regional Area

First Vice President

José Manuel Inchausti

Antonio Miguel Romero de Olano - Member of Fundación MAPFRE

Second Vice President

Antonio Miguel-Romero de Olano

Ignacio Baeza Gómez - Vice - Chairman of Fundación MAPFRE


Ignacio Baeza Gómez

Monserrat Guillén Estany - Member


Montserrat Guillén Estany

Vocal externo del Patronato de Fundación MAPFRE


Juan Carlos Hernández Buades
Ana López-Monís Gallego - Member of the Fundación MAPFRE Board of Trustees External


Ana López-Monís Gallego

Francisco José Marco Orenes - Board member of MAPFRE and Corporate General Manager of the Business Support Area


Francisco José Marco Orenes

Fernando Mata Verdejo - Director of MAPFRE and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


Fernando Mata Verdejo

Vocal del Patronato de Fundación MAPFRE y Consejero de MAPFRE


Eduardo Pérez de Lema Holweg
Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad de Barcelona


Inmaculada Riera i Reñé

Licenciada en comunicación por la Universidad de Navarra y Program for Managment Development, por ESADE


Laura Ruiz De Galarreta Barrera

Directora General del Area Corporativa de Personas y Organización (CHRO) de MAPFRE


Elena Sanz Isla

Esteban Tejera Montalvo - First Vice-Chairman of MAPFRE SA and Managing Director of MAPFRE S.A


Esteban Tejera Montalvo

Vocal del Patronato de Fundación MAPFRE


Manuel Ventero Velasco

Secretario de Fundación MAPFRE


José Miguel Alcolea Cantos

Director de Asesoría Jurídica de Mercado de Valores y Gobierno Corporativo de MAPFRE

Deputy Secretary

Jaime Álvarez de las Asturias Bohorques Rumeu

Management Committee

José Manuel Inchausti - CEO of the IBERIA Regional Area


José Manuel Inchausti

General Manager of Fundación MAPFRE and Vice President of the Management Committee

Vice President

Elvira Vega García

Nadia Arroyo Arce - Managing Director of the Culture Area of Fundación MAPFRE


Nadia Arroyo Arce

Aristóbulo Bausela Sánchez


Aristóbulo Bausela Sánchez

Clara Bazán Cea - Managing Director (Insurance and Social Protection)


Clara Bazán Cea

Director del área de Promoción de la Salud de Fundación MAPFRE


Antonio Guzmán Córdoba

Fernando Mata Verdejo - Director of MAPFRE and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


Fernando Mata Verdejo

Jesús Monclús González - Managing Director of the Prevention and Road Safety Area of Fundación MAPFRE


Jesús Monclús González

Daniel Restrepo Manrique - Manager of the Social Action Area of Fundación MAPFRE


Daniel Restrepo Manrique

Antonio Miguel Romero de Olano - Member of Fundación MAPFRE


Antonio Miguel-Romero de Olano

Esteban Tejera Montalvo - First Vice-Chairman of MAPFRE SA and Managing Director of MAPFRE S.A


Esteban Tejera Montalvo

Maria Luisa Linares Palacios - Segretary of Direction Committe of Fundación Mapfre


María Luisa Linares Palacios


Under the direction and executive coordination of the Managing Director, the operational management of Fundación MAPFRE is generally undertaken by the following specialized areas of activity:

General Manager of Fundación MAPFRE and Vice President of the Management Committee

Managing Director

Elvira Vega García

Daniel Restrepo Manrique - Manager of the Social Action Area of Fundación MAPFRE

Managing Director (Social Action)

Daniel Restrepo Manrique

Director del área de Promoción de la Salud de Fundación MAPFRE

Managing Director (Health Promotion)

Antonio Guzmán Córdoba