Latest news and information

- Publication of the final selection of projects from social organisations benefiting from the 1st Call for +Rural Grants (106 KB).
- Consult the provisional resolution of the 1st Call (147 KB) for +Rural Grants within the Social Inclusion, Child Guarantee and Fight against Poverty Programme of the ESF+.
- On 11 August the budget file was updated after identifying an error affecting only the data uploaded for the Autonomous Community of Murcia. Consequently, it will only be necessary to update the file when the operation presents data in that Community.
- In order to facilitate compliance with Mandatory Selection Criteria 24, the following list of policies at national and European level (697 KB) is provided, with which you can identify the complementarity of your operation.
- In the framework of the approval process for Mandatory Selection Criteria, the European Commission has modified the texts of some criteria and has added additional criteria, which we believe must be taken into consideration for the purposes of current funding applications. In this sense, you can download the updated “Annex IV. A”, below (179 KB). To facilitate their identification, the indicated modifications have been highlighted in red and new evidence of compliance has been added. If you have any doubts, we will answer these via the consultation mailbox provided in the ESF+ Terms and Conditions section of the Call for Proposals.
- The model “Liability statement Art. 13.2 and 3 and 34.5 LGS SIGNED” which is available through the citizen portal has been updated. In addition to correcting the issue regarding its completion, the wording of Article 13.3bis has been updated in line with the modification of this article contemplated in Law 38/2003 on subsidies, which came into force on Friday 30.06.2023.
- Fundación MAPFRE makes available to all organizations the following list of towns in Spain with the population census updated according to the census published by the INE (National Statistics Institute) on 31/12/22, and the density according to the km2 reported by EUROSTAT.
- Information session. On 13 July, we held a virtual session to answer any questions you may have. Here are the materials from the session:
- Terms and conditions of the call. An explanatory note has been added to Article 7 of the terms and conditions. Check it out

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