Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Spain: Galicia

Employment and access to social and healthcare services

Employment and access to social and healthcare services

Home > European Social Fund Plus > Events > Events 2024 > Desafíos y Oportunidades de la España Rural: Galicia

Date: July 11th, 2024

Participation: on-site

Xosé Neira Vilas Auditoriu
Edif. Biblioteca de Galicia (Monte Gaiás s/n. – Cidade da Cultura de Galicia, 15701 – Santiago de Compostela)

Fundación MAPFRE is committed to the rural environment as a space for opportunities and is organizing this meeting in which representatives of public administrations, the private sector, rural Galicia and its most vulnerable inhabitants will provide the keys to promoting the development of innovative solutions adapted to the environment based on two fundamental factors:

  • Entrepreneurship, youth and inclusion.
  • New care models.

In collaboration with:

Xunta de Galicia


  • 10:30 am – Welcome Fundación MAPFRE and the rural environment – Mr. Julio Domingo Souto, General Manager of Fundación MAPFRE.
  • 10:45 am – Ms. Elena de Borbón, social projects manager at Fundación MAPFRE.
  • 10:50 am – Round table: Employment in the rural world. New sources and opportunities.
    Focus: Entrepreneurship, youth and inclusion in rural areas.
    • The public sector perspective. – Ms Marta Mariño, General Manager of Self-Employment and Social Economy. Department of Employment, Trade and Emigration.
    • The private sector perspective. – Mr. Juan Carlos Pérez, CEO of the Startup “Aldealista”.
    • The third sector perspective. – Ms. Beatriz Gallego Nieto, director of Inserta Empleo Galicia (Grupo Once).
    • The perspective of representatives of the rural sphere. – Mr. Carlos Martínez Carrillo, mayor of Vedra.

      Moderator: Lara Salgado, journalist from the SER Galicia network.

  • 11:50 am – Round table: Access to health and social care services and long-term care.
    Focus: New care models in rural Galicia.
    • The public sector perspective. – Mr. Antonio Acevedo Prado, General Manager of Seniors and Social Health Care. Department of Social Policy and Equality.
    • The private sector perspective. – Mr. José Mª Failde Garrido, president of the Galician Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
    • The perspective of the representatives of vulnerable groups. – Ms. Mercedes Casanova Diaz, regional president of the Galician Red Cross.

      Moderator: Lara Salgado, journalist from the SER Galicia network.

  • 12:45 pm – Closing session – Mr. Alfonso Rueda, president of the Galician Regional Government.
  • 1:00 pm – End of the event and Spanish wine tasting.