Forum on Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Spain
Employment and social and healthcare services

Day: November 21, 2023
Time: 09:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Participation: in person (Fundación MAPFRE Auditorium. Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004, Madrid).
Fundación MAPFRE is committed to the rural environment as a space for opportunities and is organizing this meeting in which representatives of public administrations, the private sector, rural areas and their most vulnerable inhabitants will provide the keys to promoting the development of innovative solutions adapted to the environment based on two fundamental pillars: new sources of employment and access to quality social and healthcare services adapted to the needs of its inhabitants.
This event complements the +Rural grants that Fundación MAPFRE will provide as an Intermediate Body of the Social Inclusion, Child Guarantee and Fight against Poverty Program of the ESF+ for the 2021 – 2027 programming period.
You can access all the event content at the following links:
- 9:10 am – Accreditations
- 9:30 am – Welcome – Angel Expósito, Journalist.
- 9:40 am – Institutional presentation
Ángel Mª García Frontelo, Deputy Director General European Social Fund Administration Unit (Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy)
- 9:50 – 10:40 am – Round table: Employment in the rural world. New sources and opportunities
- María José García-Pelayo, President of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) | The rural world’s perspective.
- Celia Derecho Montes, Secretary General of Employment for the Extremadura Regional Government | The Regional Administration’s perspective.
- Daniel Morales Gutiérrez, Sustainability Director at Orange Spain and Director of the Orange Foundation | The private sector’s perspective.
- Carmen Quintanilla, President of the Confederation of Federations and Associations of Families and Women in the Rural Environment (AFAMMER) | The third sector’s perspective.Moderator: Ángel Expósito
- 10:40 – 11:30 am – Round table: Access to health services and long-term care
- Trinidad Ruth Molina, General Director of Social and Health Care, Mental Health and Addictions for the Regional Government of Andalusia.
- Silvia Hernández Tejero, Director of Microsoft Spain | The private sector’s perspective. The opportunities of Artificial Intelligence.
- Paula Chao, Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC).
- Ruth Vidriales Fernández, President of the Disability Evaluation Commission. Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI) | The affected groups’ perspective.
- 11:30 am – Institutional closing ceremony Julio Domingo Souto, General Manager of Fundación MAPFRE.
- 11:45 am – End of the event and coffee break