European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)
Joining forces to boost the rural environment

We are striving to improve people’s quality of life by helping you to multiply the impact of your organization’s initiatives. For this reason, and after having been selected as an Intermediate Body, we are launching the 1st +Rural Call to select projects within the framework of the ESF+ Social Inclusion, Child Guarantee and Fight against Poverty Program, which will be fully co-financed by the ESF+ and Fundación MAPFRE.
Through this aid we want to promote the welfare and social progress of rural areas and deprived Spain, and we are doing this via two areas of action:
- We believe in employment as a driver of personal and professional development and, for this reason, we promote access to the workforce and encourage the social and workplace inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.
- Furthermore, we want to promote the improvement of access to quality, sustainable and affordable services; including those that promote social protection systems, the accessibility and improvement of healthcare systems, and long-term care; with a special focus on the elderly and people with disabilities, among other disadvantaged groups.