Fundación MAPFRE’s Call for + Rural Grants as part of the ESF+ framework
European Social Fund+ investing in people’s future

The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is Europe’s main instrument for investing in people. With a total budget of 16.3 billion euros for Spain, in the period 2021-2027 it is allocating 2.06 billion euros to the Social Inclusion, Child Guarantee and Anti-Poverty Program. The ESF+ is designed to contribute to the development of EU employment, social, education and training policies, including structural reforms in these areas.
It is, therefore, a key EU instrument for providing support to Member States and, in practice, one of the cornerstones for reducing inequalities between different regions through employment, social inclusion and long-term care, always focusing on the most vulnerable groups.
The body responsible for administering this fund’s resources in Spain is the European Social Fund Administrative Unit (ESFAU), attached to the Secretary of State for Employment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.
To speed up the implementation of the ESF+, the ESFAU designates Intermediary Bodies which, among other functions, select the operations to be implemented. In this case, Fundación MAPFRE has been selected as an Intermediary Body, which means that it will launch calls for proposals.

We are launching the 1st Fundación MAPFRE Call for + Rural Grants within the framework of the ESF+, Europe’s main instrument for investing in people, with the aim of boosting employment, social, education and training policies in the Member States.

Through Fundación MAPFRE’s 1st Call for + Rural Grants within the framework of the ESF+, we are helping third sector entities to finance operations to be carried out in rural areas and intended to benefit one of these two areas: workplace inclusion or long-term care.

We prevent any fraudulent activity in the operations funded by the European Social Fund Plus by facilitating its detection and preventing it from occurring, by developing tools that allow it to be reported.
We also have a series of procedures and tools available to anyone who has knowledge of facts that may constitute an irregularity, so that they can report these and prevent them from occurring.

In this section, you will find all the information on the events and activities organized by Fundación MAPFRE in this area to create spaces for the exchange of ideas among the different players involved in the recovery of the rural environment.