Speed and Road Safety
Reducing speed makes a difference

In spite of all this information, excess speed continues to be a factor in nearly 90% of collisions. It is generally associated with the consumption of drugs and alcohol and the euphoria these substances produce in the driver; and the damage is multiplied in the event of accidents caused by other factors, such as distractions. Speed can make the difference between life and death. It’s as simple as that. It’s that obvious.
Don’t believe that speed limits are set in an arbitrary fashion. They are there for objective reasons. So much so that obeying them can reduce the number of fatalities by a quarter. As drivers we must stick to these limits. And we must also bear other circumstances in mind, such as traffic conditions, the condition of our vehicle and the weather, so that we can adjust our speed accordingly.
It is true that in addition to speeding, there are other factors that influence accident rates: the age of the driver, the type of journey, the familiarity with the road. But out of all of them, speeding is the only one that leaves no room for interpretation. You either obey the speed limit or you don’t. The importance of this decision is enormous in all cases. But it is even more so in areas used by vulnerable users. Your life and the lives of others depend on the speed of your vehicle.
It’s because you are not alone on the road and, while we can’t foresee how other users will behave on the public highway, we are able to control our own speed and keep it to a level that enables us to brake in a situation of risk, or have sufficient time to react in the event of a collision.
You can control your speed. Control your life.