Risk factors
What do we mean when we talk about mobility?

Our objective is to promote the concept of safe mobility; safe mobility covering all areas: private and professional, anything that involves children traveling in vehicles, those responsible for the public highway, the legislators, the use of technology to make vehicles safer as standard and training in risk factors.
We deal with all of these issues to increase your knowledge and expertise. In order to save lives. Bear them in mind.

Speeding is the cause of more than half the number of collisions between vehicles involving fatalities. Technology can help us, a good example being smart speed systems, but the main responsibility is yours. Always remember that.

Distraction is another of the main causes of accidents. The misuse of cell phones, GPS systems or simply thinking about something else can cost you your life.

We all know that consuming drugs and alcohol is incompatible with getting behind the wheel. Ideally, don’t take drugs, but if you do then be aware and responsible: you cannot drive.