Tips for Safe Driving
61 results
Peripheral vertigo
The vertigo can be triggered by standing up, stretching the neck or crouching and even when the patient wakes up. These episodes alternate with periods of remission, but more atypically they can involve instability, unsteadiness and even a constant imbalance when standing or walking, with nausea lasting for hours or even days, which can lead to a delay in diagnosis if the right maneuvers are not carried out.
Near-drowning following immersion in sea water
Near-drowning is incomplete drowning with survival for more than 24 hours following the immersion accident. It is differentiated from drowning, which ends in the individual’s death. Depending on whether liquid aspiration has occurred, it is deemed either wet drowning (90 percent of cases) or dry drowning (10 percent).
Macular degeneration
The concern for stopping this disease has resulted in a team of Spanish researchers’ finding a treatment for wet ARMD, much more aggressive that dry ARMD, using anti-VEGF medication injected into the eye. Capable of detaining the progression of the disease, this entails a paradigm shift.
The diabetic foot
The term ‘diabetic foot’ is used for any foot lesion such as an infection, ulcer or destruction of deep tissues that occurs as a result of diabetes and its complications.
Smoking and driving
Smoking is a chronic addictive disease which is mainly associated with cardiovascular and respiratory disorders and the appearance of cancer in different parts of the body.