Tips for Safe Driving
61 results
Headaches and craniofacial neuralgias
Headache, in general, and as focused on by Doctors for Road Safety in our Clinical Matters, may be due to specific causes, such as sinusitis, meningitis, cerebral tumors, temporary arthritis, contusions, HBP, etc. However, in most cases the cause is unknown and classified as emotional tension or stress.
Initial stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease arises from a degenerative process that entails a significant loss of neurons in several cerebral areas and a pronounced atrophy of the brain. In Spain, approximately 800,000 patients have this disease. Dementia is an irreversible and progressive loss of intellectual capacity that, when diagnosed, impedes driving.
Isolated arrhythmia, bradycardia, syncope and antiarrhythmic drugs
Healthy lifestyle habits guarantee a better quality of life and help to prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases and other conditions. Annually, 17.5 million premature deaths are caused by cardiovascular disease.
Arthritis and driving
Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints, which are the areas where two bones come together. The joints allow us to bend our limbs to make movements, such as bending the arms and legs, grasping large objects and holding small objects.
Progressive deterioration of eyesight and driving
Due to the aging population, there is a noticeable increase in the number of impairments that cause a progressive decline in people’s eyesight. Diseases of the retina and optic nerve can appear at earlier ages and generally affect people in the 20-60 age bracket. However, senile macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts appear in older people.
Springtime depression. Prevention and Road Safety
Is it possible to go for weeks on end down in the dumps, sad, with feelings of loss, anger, or frustration, even though spring is in the air? If this is what you are experiencing, you could have a mood disorder such as depression. Our normal reaction is to be happy and full of energy as we benefit from the impact of more sunlight on our body, which in turn impacts the production of serotonin (the ‘happiness hormone’); but for those who suffer from seasonal depression, serotonin and melatonin cancel each other out.
Babies and the sun
The Sun is life. It bathes us in the sensation of well-being, helps us regulate our sleeping and waking cycles, maintains our mood and, furthermore, is essential for synthesizing vitamin D, a hormone that is necessary for the correct functioning of the muscular-skeletal system.
Effects of alcohol on the driving
The importance of vision to conducting everyday activities is widely understood and is of particular relevance when it can affect the safety of others. One such activity is the driving of motor vehicles, for which strong physical and mental skills are essential. Undoubtedly, vision is the most important physical factor for the driving of motor vehicles, and the lack of vision cannot be replaced or supplemented in any way.