Skull-mandibular dysfunction and neurological disorders due to excess of metals, and their impact in driving

Skull-mandibular dysfunction
Experts in the skull-mandibular dysfunction already estimate that 10% people suffer orofacial headache and in the musculature of the head, neck and back, mainly due to odontological problems.
This pain is followed, according to the specialists, by a skull-mandibular dysfunction, that affects more women for their weaker muscles and hormonal changes.
This type of pain is provoked by emotional stress, bruxism, the dental occlusion disorders or macroinjuries.
Patients with orofacial pain syndrome sleep poorly, experience severe headache, and especially feel misunderstood and many start depressive conditions for not finding the answer to their pain.
The patients frequently take antiinflammatories, anxiolytics and relaxants, and do not know their side effects for driving.
Addicts to these drugs are frequent, for the rewarding disappearing of the troublesome headache.
Many drivers suffer pain that worsen while driving in the city. The get irritated, lose calm, and become intolerant with traffic.
The lead pressing their jaws in such a way, that they cause a contraction of the masseter muscles and force the temporomandibular joints with a severe pain irradiating to the head that make them to be in a poor mood when driving.
In addition to the drug therapy, psychotherapy should be sometimes indicated.
Advice on skull-mandibular dysfunction
- The physician should calm the patient and explain to him the emotional basis added to his problem, advising him a more relaxing lifestyles and warning him, that if it takes drugs, he should maximize caution when driving.
- If the seat of the driver has not well adapted the backing and the height, it will lead the back and the neck not to be relaxed, worsening the already existing cervical, dorsal, and lumbar contraction, headache and stress reaction.
- In turn, in this situation the headrest will not be in an adequate position, with the added risk of cervical injury in case of crash.
- It is important to seek convenience inside the car, so that driving is relaxing and can remove pain instead of provoking it.
- Very loud music or boring radio stations or irritating debates should be avoided.
- The conversation of the companion in many cases has the same effect, so the company for the journey should be chosen adequately, if possible.
- If the driver takes a relaxant, the risk of falling asleep while driving increases, particularly back to house from work, or at the end of long journeys.
- Our patients should be reminded not to take drugs that cause somnolence if they are going to drive. Many have the glove compartment full of tablets, as if they were sweets.
- Tell the driver to analyze his personal situation and seeks the cause of pain will remove anxiety in our patient, and will facilitate finding the solution without abusing of the drugs.
- The masseter relaxation exercises are very useful and simple, and can be carried out while driving.
- They consist of taking the tip of the tongue to the palate with the mouth closed and permitting the jaw to fall separating the dental arches, and also, take air with the closed mouth and to inflate the cheeks as if we were to blow.
Neurological disorders due to excess of metals
- Iron (Fe): Chronic iron overload with deposit in the tissues (hemosiderosis), if causing tissue injury (hemochromatosis), provokes liver insufficiency, diabetes, arthritis, cardiomyopathy.
Sometimes, peripheral neuropathy occurs possibly largely secondary to clear diabetes in 60% of the patients.
The treatment through bleedings, deferoxamine and iron chelants will enable to reduce the sideremia and the deposit in the tissues.
- Zinc (Zn): The excess Zn can cause gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, anemia, breathlessness, etc.
- Copper (Cu.). Wilson’s disease: The excess Cu causes hepatitis, cirrhosis, tremor, mental impairment, anemia, renal dysfunction, etc.
Wilson’s disease is caused by a disorder of the metabolism of the Cu. genetically determined. It is characterized by a dyskinetic syndrome dominated by the intentional and attitude tremor affecting the performance of movements. Myoclonus of action, chorea, athetosis, etc. can be seen. In some cases of Wilson’s disease, dystonic events occur, that set the trunk to the extremities in abnormal positions. These patient show significant motor difficulties, aggravated by the associated akinesia. Seizures, psychical and mood disorders and even psychotic episodes can occur. Subsequently intellectual impairment leading to dementia can occur.
The treatment is aimed at reducing the intestinal absorption of Cu and, particularly, mobilize the tissue Cu and enhance urinary clearance, thanks to the administration of D-penicillamine, that permits a dramatic, long-lasting improvement of neurological signs.
- Manganese (Mn): Excess of Mn leads to encephalitic syndrome, Parkinson’s syndrome, psychosis, and pneumoconiosis.
Advice on neurological disorders due to excess of metals
- Patients with neurological disorders by excess of metals in their body cannot drive.
- The specific treatment in each case, with favorable outcome and absence of symptoms and neurological signs, will make allow for driving again if the physician reports in this regard.
- Many patients are chronic and should be evaluated periodically to confirm the absence of symptoms that interfere with driving.