Neurological System Disorders exam
Zero accidents

Driving requires the drive to have an adequate sensory perception through vision and hearing, proper attention, cognitive integrity, and precise immediate and well-coordinated motor response.
30 topics
Myasthenia gravis, loss of strength of central origin, rigid-akinetic syndromes, and their impact in driving
Diseases of the neuromotor plaque cause loss of pure strength with no sensory disorders. Learn more about myasthenia gravis and driving at Fundación MAPFRE.
Peripheral neuropathy and its limitations for driving
Learn more about Guillain-Barron’s syndrome or acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuritis. Discover tips on Peripheral neuropathy and conduction.
Hearing loss, dizziness of nervous origin, spinal nerve disorder, and repercussion in driving
With Vertigo and Nistagmus you can’t drive. More infirmation about hearing loss, nerve damage, nerve disorders and conduction at Fundación MAPFRE site.
Eye movement and facial nerve disorders, and their influence on driving
Pupillary Arreflexia and Diplopathy prevent driving. Learn more about eye movement disorders, facial nerve disorders and their influence on conduction.
Neurological visual disturbances and their impact in driving
Several elements of the central and peripheral nervous system complement each other to produce vision. For more information visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, vascular algia of the face, temporal arteritis, and influence on driving
Neuralgia of the trigeminal is characterized by paroxysmal, discontinuous pain, expressed as electrical discharges, stabbing or laceration of the face.