Medication, Alcohol and Other Drugs
Avoid being careless at the wheel

13 topics
Drug side effects and selection of those with less impact in driving
Every drug administration involves the risk of causing an adverse reaction. Patients cannot recognize the side effects of the new drug they start to take.
Advice with driver on his medication. Antihistamines, analgesics and antitussives
Over the counter drugs are increasingly is dispensed as indicated by non-qualified subjects, who many times do not know the diseases and their treatment.
Antidiabetics and driving
The driver should take in a visible place inside the car the medical report specifying his disease and its treatment. More details at Fundación MAPFRE.
Anticonvulsants and driving
The epileptic driver has a potential risk of accident, for the possibility of loss of consciousness and for the side effects of the medication.
Antiarrhythmic agents, antihypertensives, of coronary disease, and influence on driving
The antiarrhythmic medication plays a major role in most significant arrhythmias, all these drugs have limitations. More details at Fundación MAPFRE site.
Antiasthmatics and anticoagulants, and their impact on driving
Learn more about the effects of anti-asthma medications and oral blood thinners. For more details about road safety tips and doctors tips visit Fundación MAPFRE.
Drugs in digestive diseases and their influence on driving
Knows the effects on the conduction of Digestive Pathology Drugs such as: H2 drugs, antiacids and antagonists. For more information visit Fundación MAPFRE.
Antidepressants and their influence in driving
There is a recent growing interest in the drugs used to fight depression and related disorders. For more information visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Drinking and driving: risks and effects on road safety
Alcohol is a psychodepressant drug that, even at low doses, influences adversely driving, as it disturbs the skills of the driver. More at Fundación MAPFRE.
Alcohol and mobility
With every small blood alcohol level increase, the driver has a parallel increase to have a traffic accident. More details at Fundación MAPFRE.
Neurological disorders due to alcohol consumption and their impact in driving
Long-term consumption of alcohol causes digestive, cardiac, and liver disorders that are in many cases permanently disabling for driving. More details here.
Drugs and driving. Criminal behavior
The term abuse drug is used to designate all substances that create dependence and that are obtained illegally. For more information visit Fundación MAPFRE.