Bone and Muscular System exam
Help us prevent traffic accidents

When patients with lower back pain are experiencing symptoms such as pain, loss of strength and sensory disorders, advise them against driving. By drawing this to their attention we will help avoid situations of risk on the road.
18 topics
Rheumatological and inflammatory foot and related driving restrictions
Discover what are the influence of rheumatological foot in relation to driving. For more road safety tips visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Bone disorders of development, ankylosing spondilytis, diseases from joint deposit, amyloidosis, polymyositis and impact in driving
Discover what are the influence of ankylosing spondilytis and bone disorders on driving. For more road safety tips visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Amputations, handicapped people and driving
During recent years, due to traffic accidents, the number of amputations carried out on young people has increase, particularly those using motorcycles.
Limitations on driving due to venous foot pathology, oedema and Raynaud syndrome
The signs of vascular pathology are non-specific, as pain, trophic abnormalities and oedema can also be due to metabolic reason, among others.
Fractures, contusiones and their effects on driving
It takes injured bones a long time to heal, and sometimes events occur that slow the recovery process and require repeated medical advice against driving.
Shoes and driving. Foot injuries
Our feet are vital for driving, which is why the shoes we wear should be appropriate and allow us the best possible control of the vehicle.
The driver with neurological foot and its care when driving
In the presence of multiple neurological involvement, it can be easily expected that the foot is affected. For tips visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Diabetic foot and its care when driving
Diabetes is the greatest scourge of all diseases debilitating the foot. Discover diabetic foot and its care when driving at Fundación MAPFRE.
Foot: osteonecrosis, disorders of the sesamoids, bone tumors, osteoarticular infections, gout, and its influence on driving
Discover what are the influence of osteonecrosis in relation to driving. For more road safety tips and clinical topics visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Intrinsic upper limb conditions interfering with driving
Discover Intrinsic upper limb conditions interfering with driving. For more road safety and clinical topics tips visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Static forefoot changes, pes planus, and pes cavus and their impact on driving
Discover what are the influence of static forefoot changes in relation to driving. For more road safety tips visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.
Malformed foot and static disorders of the forefoot interfering with driving
Discover what are the influence of malformed foot in relation to driving. For more road safety tips and clinical topics visit our site Fundación MAPFRE.