Safer child car seats

Between 1990 and 2015, between 1 in 3 and 1 in 2 children who died in Spain due to external causes were victims of road traffic accidents. More recently, the Spanish General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) reported that 14 children died in 2020, two of them as a result of not using a child restraint system at the time of the accident. These stark figures show how important it is to take the necessary measures to prevent risks to children when travelling by car. Their safety is essential, and we can contribute significantly in this regard.

According to the World Health Organization, child seats prevent 50 to 80 percent of all injuries.

The new Size i standard was created to simplify the process of choosing and using child seats, making them more universal and easier to use.

A child restraint system is effective if it is properly installed and the child is securely restrained, in order to provide the greatest possible safety.

The purpose of the ISOFIX system is to prevent mistakes when installing child car seats, which are commonly made when they are installed with seat belts.

Road safety regulations establish the rules to be followed to ensure safe, healthy and sustainable mobility for road users.

Statistics help us learn about the percentage of road traffic accidents and act accordingly
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