Drowning prevention in aquatic environments
Preventing drowning also depends on you

When we think about the summer this usually conjures up images of the beach or the swimming pool. In the summertime we spend a great deal of our spare time enjoying ourselves and cooling off in the water. But we mustn’t forget to exercise caution.
Drowning is one of the 10 main causes of death by unintentional injury in children and young people worldwide (according to a report by the WHO). A total of 338 people lost their lives through accidental drowning in aquatic environments in Spain in 2020, which is a drop of 23.18 percent compared to the 440 people who died from this cause in 2019, 102 fewer fatalities. This figure is taken from the comparative study entitled the National Drowning Report (INA) drawn up by the Royal Spanish Rescue and Lifesaving Federation based on the provisional close of data on December 31. These figures show that we are moving in the right direction but we still have a lot of work ahead of us in order to raise awareness in society.
At Fundación MAPFRE we want you to always enjoy your vacations safely. Learn how to PREVENT. Learn how to ACT. We present you with our Drowning chain of survival.

With the permission of the authors: Szpilman D.Webber, J.Quan, L. Blerens, J. Morizot-Lelte, L. Langerdorfer, S.J. Berman, S.LØfgren, B. Resucitation (2014).