Vegetable lasagna
Practicooking. The kitchen as a meeting point
Preparation: 40min
Diners: 4 people
Difficulty: Medium
Age: 8-10 years
Making a vegetable lasagna which everyone in the family can enjoy is no easy task but these simple tricks will help you do just that. Build thin layers with the lasagna and the tomato, zucchini and eggplant slices and invite children to cover them with cream and tomato sauce. Making this dish is healthy and fun and will help your children to enjoy eating vegetables without any complaints. This Fundación MAPFRE and Fundación Dani García initiative has come up with enjoyable recipes and health tips so that the whole family can enjoy cooking.


Ingredients and preparation
For the sauce:
• 700g of cream
• 800g “mata” tomato sauce
• 100g gruyere cheese
- Warm up the cream and let it reduce down to half on a low heat.
- Add the tomato sauce, mix together, add the grated cheese and set aside.
For the lasagna filling:
• 2 tomatoes
• 2 zucchinis
• 1 large eggplant
- Finely slice the tomato, eggplant and zucchini, with the help of a mandoline (vegetable slicer) if necessary.
- Lightly fry the vegetables in a skillet or grill.
- Set aside.
For the lasagna:
• Laminas de lasaña que no necesitan cocción en agua
• Relleno de lasaña
• Salsa de nata y tomate
• Queso emmental rallado
- Grease a baking tray with a little bit of butter.
- Pour a little bit of the sauce onto the base of the tray.
- Next, arrange a layer of lasagna noodles, followed by a layer of the various vegetables and lastly a little bit of the sauce and grated emmental cheese.
- Repeat this process 3 times with the last layer consisting of the lasagna noodles.
- Finish off by pouring a little bit more of the sauce on top and sprinkling the grated cheese over it.
- Bake the lasagna in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees and then cook for 5 minutes more at 200 degrees to finish grilling the cheese.
Final touches and presentation
- Let the lasagna rest for 5 minutes, slice into portions and serve with some fresh basil leaves.