Decalogue for a healthy heart
10 small gestures for a big heart

Reset your diet

Get moving for your health
Spend 30 minutes a day doing exercise. You just have to find your moment and choose the one you like the most according to your physical condition: walk, dance, run, outdoor activities… Don´t make up excuses!

Bye bye tobacco
Yes, don´t think about it any longer. It’s time to quit! After one year, you will reduce your risk of heart disease by 80%. Your heart (and your loved ones) will appreciate it. Get help if you can’t do it alone, your doctor will advise you. Where there’s a will there’s a way

Control your weight
If your Body Mass Index is greater than 25 kg/m2, you are considered overweight. Above 30 kg/m2 is considered obesity. Keep an eye on fat accumulated in the abdomen, it is dangerous for the heart. Remember that the waist circumference in women should be less than 88 cm and in men, less than 102 cm.

Sleep well
Watch your sleep and rest the hours your body needs. If you sleep less than six hours, the risk of heart disease increases. Aim to follow a routine, always go to sleep at the same time. If you have insomnia, get professional help. Sweet dreams!

Check your blood pressure
Check your blood pressure regularly and ask your doctor if it is normal according to your health condition.

Watch your cholesterol and glucose levels
Control your cholesterol and glucose by following a healthy diet and exercising. If after an analysis your figures are above 190 mg/dl of total cholesterol and 110 mg/dl of glucose, you should consult a specialist.

Stop stress
Learn to control your stress and anxiety. Increased emotional stress is dangerous for the heart and also makes it more difficult to follow a heart-healthy lifestyle. Start yoga, meditation, mindfulness….and relax!

Sharing is caring
Exchanging experiences allows you to learn and set an example for others to start taking care of their hearts. Remember that your family can be a great support when overcoming an obstacle. Count on them!

The most important thing is to be aware
Be aware of the importance of looking after your heart, especially if you are a woman. Get to know your heart risk and ask a doctor about your lifestyle. Acting in time is key to reducing the risks.