Protective equipment for Portuguese health workers
We are looking after the health care professionals

During this health crisis, the lack of protection equipment is mainly affecting health professionals.
The whole team at the Centro Hospitalario Universitario Lisboa Central is immersed in the complicated task of saving lives. Furthermore, buying material to protect its professionals has become yet another concern, not only because of the shortage of supplies but also due to the complex purchase process.
To help the center’s health professionals to do their jobs with the best protection, we have sent them equipment that includes:
- 20,000 FFP2 masks.
- 185,000 surgical masks.
- 1,200 pairs of glasses.
- 1,055 protection overalls.
- 4,500 face screens.
- 100,000 pairs of medical gloves to the Lisboa Central hospital.
We are also collaborating with the São João Hospital in Porto by donating protective equipment, in particular surgical gowns.