Medical centers and care homes benefit from our support in Nicaragua
We are helping the most vulnerable groups to fight COVID-19

We are firmly committed to the fight against coronavirus in Nicaragua, where we are supporting the health system and protecting both medical teams and senior citizens, the two groups that are being hardest-hit by the virus.
We are collaborating in the extension of the AMOCSA Hospital through the lease of the San Martin de Porres Medical-Surgical Center for three months to look after patients with coronavirus. The aim of this initiative is to prevent the contagion of patients who are in hospital for other health issues. In addition, the capacity of the health services is being increased to avoid it being overwhelmed in the event of a sudden surge in COVID-19 cases. We have also made a donation through the Social Promotion and Study Center to the Ciudad Santino Teaching Hospital to buy an oxygen therapy unit.
We provide protection for healthcare staff by supplying protective material to help them tackle the disease with a lower risk of contagion. This donation was made to the Bautista and AMOCSA hospitals, and through the Nicaragua Medical Association healthcare professionals will receive the right protection protocols and equipment.
We are also supporting senior citizens, the population group most badly affected by COVID-19. We are supplying medical material and hygiene and cleaning products to ten care homes in the northern, western and central areas of the country to help protect them against the pandemic. The 399 seniors and 132 administrative workers and support staff at the centers of San Francisco, Santa Lucía, San Vicente de Paúl – Jinotega, San Antonio, Fray Francisco Domínguez, Santa Eduviges, San Vicente de Paúl – Boaco, San Pedro, La Purísima and Casa Hogar la Providencia will be provided with enhanced protection against the virus for two months.
The donation includes alcohol, antiseptic solutions, protective equipment, thermometers, soap, disposable towels and diapers, saline solutions and water to maintain the optimum levels of hygiene and disinfection and hence prevent disease.