We are collaborating with the Ecuadorian Navy, fire department and hospitals
For the health emergency: disinfection equipment, personal protection equipment and medical material

Fundación MAPFRE is rolling out several initiatives to support the collectives most heavily involved in the fight against COVID-19.
We are providing economic aid to buy COVID-19 test kits to be distributed among the hospitals of the Charity Board of Guayaquil, an institution that also manages the largest hospitals in this region.
We are also supporting the groups who are most exposed in the fight against the virus. We are working with the Fire Service in Guayaquil to provide equipment for disinfecting ambulances, and for community care in this emergency situation (50 thermometers and five ozone machines). This initiative is enshrined in a collaboration that goes back more than ten years with this institution to promote risk prevention education in schools. We have also supplied personal protective equipment to the Fire Service in the Metropolitan District of Quito, namely 4,000 face masks, 1,000 gowns, 1,000 biosafety suits, and one portable ozone disinfection machine. The Milagro Fire Service has also received 30,000 masks, 200 biosafety suits, 120 bottles of medical-grade alcohol, four oxygen tanks and 3,000 gloves. And the same quantities of equipment have been delivered to the Durán Fire Service.
We are also supporting the collectives who are at greatest risk of exposure in the fight against the virus. We are collaborating with the Guayaquil Fire Department by providing disinfection equipment for the ambulances as well as equipment for community care during this emergency (50 thermometers and five ozone units). This initiative forms part of a partnership with this institution that goes back more than ten years to promote preventive education in schools. We also donated personal protective consumables to the Fire Service of the Metropolitan District of Quito, namely 4,000 face masks, 1,000 gowns, 1,000 biosafety suits, and a portable ozone disinfection machine.
The Ecuadorian Navy also needs our dedicated support. Navy personnel are dealing with confirmed cases at various locations along the coast of Ecuador, as well as being involved in the Guayas Joint Task Force, Operational Command 2 and the National Directorate of Aquatic Spaces, undertaking operations to control the spread of COVID-19 and other tasks assigned by the National Emergency Operations Committee. There are more than 140 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among Navy personnel which represents 1.841% of all the cases reported in the country to date. To protect them, we are supplying N95 face masks for the medical staff of the Navy health centers that are dealing with COVID-19 and the personnel engaged in operations to prevent the spread of coronavirus, especially in the province of Guayas, and very specifically in Guayaquil.
In the city of Cuenca we want to help protect the most vulnerable people. Therefore, we have supplied personal protection equipment for 132 users of the Asociación de las Personas con Parálisis Cerebral del Azuay. The donation includes 1,000 masks in anti-fluid material, 1,000 gloves, 250 caps, 250 protection gowns, 100 liters of alcohol and 100 liters of chlorine. In this same city we have donated to the Congregación de las Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados Hogar del Cristo Rey 3,000 masks, 1,000 gloves, 300 caps, 300 disposable gowns 100 liters of chlorine and 100 liters of alcohol.
In Ambato, at the Hospital General Docente we delivered 600 boxes of gloves to health professionals.
We supplied 30,000 masks and 30,000 gloves to the Ministry of Public Health hospitals in Quito, Cuenca, Manta, Ibarra and Ambato. The Cristo Redentor clinic has received 2,000 gloves, 2,000 masks, 2,000 surgical caps, 2,000 gowns and two oxygen tanks for distributing among its healthcare staff. We have also delivered 25,000 masks to the Manta canton for distribution across the whole county.
In the north of the city of Quito, the Sembrar Foundation is working directly with more than 500 families in the suburban neighborhoods of Pisulí and La Roldós. The direct beneficiaries of their programs are the children in the Early Childhood Education Center “Ojos de Cielo” and our own homeschool educational program, PELCA, and their families. To help them in their efforts to prevent COVID-19, we have supplied 3,000 masks, 20 boxes of nitrile gloves, 300 caps, 300 disposable gowns, 100 liters of medical-grade alcohol, and 100 liters of chlorine. We have also donated personal protective equipment to the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Residence for Seniors.