We are supporting people at risk in Argentina
We protect health professionals and support the most vulnerable groups

Since the coronavirus arrived into our lives, we have spared no effort to fight the pandemic and to support those who need us most. Among the groups we are focusing on, there are older people, who are suffering a greater impact from the pandemic, both for health reasons and the lack of resources.
To help them protect themselves and prevent the coronavirus, we are donating health and hygiene equipment to retirement homes in the city of Buenos Aires and Gran Buenos Aires. Through Asociación Civil Mensajeros de la Paz this material will be delivered to Hogar San José and the Santa Ana and San Joaquín Day Care Center, to cover some of their basic needs, specifically for the purchase of sanitary and cleaning elements and produce for the Day Care Center’s meals. This contribution will initially be provided to supply them with whatever they need for 30 days and we plan to extend this to 90 days if necessary.
The Santa Ana and San Joaquín Day Care Center looks after 90 senior citizens. In addition to providing their meals and offering professional care, the center is a space for training and stimulation. At the Hogar San José, 50 senior ladies have found their home.
Another of the groups most affected by the coronavirus are the health workers. Therefore, within the different actions that we are implementing to support medical professionals, we donated disposable sanitary material to two hospitals in the town of Vicente López.
This donation will be made through the Cooperadora de Acción Social (COAS) and its campaign “By helping others you help yourself“. We will dedicate resources to purchase medical equipment for the Municipal Hospital Dr. Bernardo Houssay of Vicente López and the Hospital Central de San Isidro Dr. Melchor Ángel Posse. Our contribution will allow them to purchase 13,536 and 10,225 protection sanitary kits respectively.
In collaboration with the COAS cooperative we have set up a donation project to procure an emergency healthcare unit. This unit, measuring around 90 square meters, will be installed at the entrance to the Central Military Hospital to act as an interim consulting room in the city of Buenos Aires. The idea is to deal with patients before they enter the hospital so they can be referred to the right destination. It has been designed to operate on minimal energy consumption and provide assistance of varying complexity to patients with symptoms of COVID-19. In addition, we supply an electric bed and furniture to equip said module, equipped with hot/cold air-conditioning equipment of 4,500-5,000 BTU each and ventilation grilles. The Central Military Hospital for which it is intended will be responsible for fitting out the interior of the facility.
To help the country’s various hospitals in their fight against the pandemic, we have donated medical equipment such as a video-laryngoscope for intubation and a sterile connector for separating, processing and storing blood products in a closed circuit for the Ramos Mejía Hospital, and portable Doppler ultrasound equipment for the Durand Hospital in Buenos Aires. Also in Buenos Aires we have donated an obstetric ultrasound transducer to the Dr. Cosme Argerich Acute General Hospital. In Jujuy we have supplied multiparameter monitors, a laryngoscope, AMBU kits, anti-bedsore mattresses, KN95 masks, disposable gloves, five-code analyzers, hematological counters, and a washing machine, which will be distributed between the Manuel Belgrano General Hospital in Humahuaca, the Nuestra Señora del Pilar Hospital in El Talar, and the Dr. Oscar Orias Hospital in Libertador General San Martín. In Córdoba, the medical equipment delivered comprised a fibrobronchoscopy machine, electrical beds, a video-laryngoscope and freight costs, and will be distributed between the Rawson Hospital and the Municipal A&E Hospital of Córdoba. In addition, we have donated two emergency healthcare modules, one for the Dr. Joaquin Castellanos Hospital in General Güemes, and the other for the Papa Francisco Hospital in Salta.
We are also keen to support healthcare staff in their training, and we have therefore provided around 770 scholarships for professional courses associated with the care of critical COVID-19 patients in collaboration with the Trauma Foundation NGO.