We now spend all our time at home. How do we do this?

A new routine is key

A new routine is key

Inicio > Education and outreach > COVID-19 > The new reality > Physical and emotional health > We now spend all our time at home. How do we do this?

A new routine is key these days. Keeping things in order helps the mind, we assure you. We offer some guidelines that will help you keep a healthy balance between time spent on yourself, work, family and social activities.

  • Stick to an orderly schedule of activities.
  • When you wake up, get washed, put on comfortable clothes (believe us, staying in pyjamas all day does not help) and get ready as if you were going out
  • Choose a place in the house to work. Get it ready, set it up, get comfortable. Remember to keep a correct posture so your back and joints do not suffer. Get up every now and then.
  • Walk as much as you can while working, while talking on the phone, while thinking. Keep moving.
  • Make a difference between activity and rest time, don’t mix them up. Once you have finished, if possible, put away your work materials or close that room until you return. 
  • Plan meals in advance to avoid unhealthy dishes and anxiety eating. Stick to your lunch times.
  • Doing a set of exercises every day that is appropriate for your physical capacity is beneficial. The networks offer plenty options. Choose one that best suits your ability.
  • Find time for a digital switch-off: read, meditate, draw, cook… 
  • Save some time for fun and do whatever you feel like doing. Go back to your hobbies. Take advantage of the circumstances.
  • Look out the window, go out on the terrace, the balcony… breathe, enjoy the sun or the rain, look at the sky or the landscape… maybe you haven’t actually had a look for some time.
  • Look for and choose a time of the day to up-date yourself on the current situation. Too much information can cause misinformation and generate anxiety. 
  • Keep in touch with those close to you. Talk to your friends, family and loved ones. You might even discover new feelings.
  • If you have children, write down a schedule of activities they have to do: study, entertainment, physical activity. Play with them and answer all the questions they may have as calmly and informatively as possible, adapting it to their age. Look for games and activities you can do with them that make them feel involved. Setting and removing the table, making a bed. Make them feel useful, part of the solutions during this situation. Tell them how well they’re doing, how proud you are of them.
  • Be patient and stay calm. Breath in through your nose counting to 4. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Exhale through your mouth in 8 seconds.

Does it work? Do you think so? So share these guidelines. We can be a great network by supporting each other.

See you in social media. Let’s talk. Talk to us!
