School Support Campaign
Back to school without leaving anyone behind

One of the consequences of the pandemic we are experiencing has been the increase in social inequalities and, in particular, the educational gap. The confinement caused thousands of children to be unable to follow the full school year for lack of means and now, with the start of the school year, many families without resources are finding it difficult to meet the cost of returning to school.
We want to help with the expenses involved in returning to school for the most vulnerable families and to achieve it we have started, in collaboration with EDUCO, the Project “School Support”, a special program that will allow boys and girls at risk of poverty and social exclusion to start the 2020-2021 school year with the basic school material they need.
2,000 children and adolescents from 103 towns throughout Spain will receive the Fundación MAPFRE school kit to cover their needs for materials to start the school year. With this campaign, which has a budget of nearly 100,000 euros, we will ensure that all students return to school on equal terms.
Our aim is that all students, without exception, look forward to returning to school.