Other actions
All our resources are geared towards fighting the pandemic
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has changed and we are changing with it. Most of the activities we had programmed have been postponed to address our resources to protecting the most vulnerable, supporting initiatives that provide solutions to specific needs and accompanying society in these difficult times.
Together, through coordinated actions aimed at those who need it most, being close from a distance, working so that no one is left behind, we will overcome this situation.
In light of COVID-19 we have directed all our resources to support society, implementing programs and donations for a total amount of 35 million euros. We promote research on coronavirus and supply healthcare material and protective equipment for hospitals and retirement homes.
In addition, we have implemented various actions aimed at protecting the people most affected by this crisis. Join our efforts, participating within your possibilities in our campaigns or simply sharing and staying in contact with us.

On 21, 22, 23 and 24 December, more than 400 of our volunteers got together with the WCK team, the NGO of chef Jose Andrés, to prepare, pack, store and distribute 30,000 Christmas Eve dinners for 30,000 vulnerable people. Channeled through 62 organizations, the meals were rushed to the people most in need of them.

The coronavirus crisis is hitting many people who have lost their jobs and who now, with no income, cannot afford to cover their families’ most basic needs. Most of these families have never had to depend on social welfare before. With our Solidarity Cards, we hope to give them back a little hope, and remind them that they are not alone.

In these times when the coronavirus crisis has led many families to need help finding food, we support actions to protect the right to food for everyone in our society.

We are in the middle of the deconfinement and bars, restaurants, take-away and delivery services are back in business. If you have one of these businesses, here is some information to clarify your doubts and those of your customers.

We have joined #StopCorona, a solidarity platform where start-ups, large digital companies and investors from the world of Internet have united to stop the COVID-19 infection curve through the use of technology and data analysis.

Thanks to the unstinting support of our volunteers and their families, we provide companionship for our senior citizens in their solitude, offering entertainment and friendship, and supporting the funding of projects that benefit senior citizens.

Two million of our senior citizens live alone, in need and in fear. Together we can reach out to all our senior citizens who need us. Together we have made it possible.

A multidisciplinary team at the Rey Juan Carlos University is carrying out a clinical trial to develop low-cost ventilators. With our support we hope to speed up the process of putting the prototype into production.

The coronavirus has dealt a severe blow to the economy of Spain’s many self-employed people. We are donating 80,000 euros to reinforce the advisory service provided by expert professionals at the Association of Self-Employed Workers (ATA).

The family members of people who have died from the coronavirus are in a very difficult position as they are not even able to say farewell to their loved ones in person. In many cases, they need psychological support to overcome this trauma. We are donating 20,000 euros to provide online and telephone support to help them work through this situation.

We are setting up an initiative of micro-grants of up to €2,000 to help small social organizations buy essential goods. Our support will help them to reach get food, toiletries and cleaning products to the most vulnerable members of society.

After many months, the return to school is a relief for many families but for others, however, it can be a problem if they do not have the means to acquire the school materials. Our school supplies campaign will enable 2,000 students from vulnerable families to return to school on an equal footing with their peers.

We are supplying material to manufacture protective face visors with 3D printers and fabric face masks for the use of healthcare personnel or, indeed, any other professional who may be exposed to the coronavirus.

With the construction of two portable disinfection equipments based on state-of-the-art technology, the National Police Force will carry out disinfection tasks. We financed this project with 15,000 euros.

As part of this extraordinary package of measures, we must not forget the issue of employment. When the state of emergency comes to an end, our Accedemos project will offer measures to boost employment to alleviate the effects of this crisis.