
We are looking after the population’s nutritional needs and promoting the education and training of vulnerable people (mainly women and people with disabilities) to improve their access to employment.
Malnutrition and basic food needs
With this action, being undertaken with the San Martin Social Work Association, we aim to increase the coverage of 1,650 weekly meals provided by the Association to 3,000, as well as facilitating the purchase of both dry and fresh food and hiring a nutritionist to draw up a menu based on the optimal nutritional requirements for each age group.
Employability, training and entrepreneurship
We have promoted the loan of space at Escuela 117 to give training workshops aimed mainly at young people, women and the elderly to help them get access to the labor market. The subjects of the workshops will be entrepreneurship, artistic expression, and sport, among others.
We are also providing training for 25 women to immediately join or rejoin the labor market. This actions is being carried out in collaboration with the ICOPO (Capacitaciones Orientadas a Población Objetivo Institute).
In collaboration with the San Martin Social Work Association, we select mothers who are heads of families to start on a process of self-sustainability. Among the planned actions is a workshop on employability and strengthening self-esteem with an expert; one on how to start up a family allotment, undertaken by a team from the Association and an agricultural technician; and a workshop on canned products (desserts, vegetables, etc.) with a view to starting up a micro-enterprise.
Social inclusion and disability
We support the Mariposas Civic Association in its work towards the comprehensive development of children, teens, young people and adults with disabilities, implementing actions aimed at educational, social and community integration. The Association provides spaces for socialization, promoting and guaranteeing rights, and supporting the construction of an inclusive space.
In collaboration with the FOAL Foundation, we are launching an action to integrate eight people with visual impairments in jobs through a three-month training course for each country, plus eight three-month internships in local companies, leading to the adaptation of job positions for the interns in question.
We also help to strengthen institutional actions in the municipality of Young by giving workshops on Allotments and Nurseries, Cooking and Patisserie, equipping their facilities (oven, air-conditioning, etc.). This action is done in collaboration with INDA (National Institute of Food) of the Ministry of Social Development, and the BPS (Social Protection Bank).