
In Mexico we have been engaging in numerous activities to reduce malnutrition and social exclusion and to promote employability, education and entrepreneurship.
Malnutrition and basic food needs
We donated more than 16,000 kilos of rice and 21,250 kilos of beans to nine food banks across the Republic of Mexico, a project that was implemented by mobilizing the volunteer network, 433 in total, to assemble packages, label deliveries, and distribute them to the most vulnerable families. The aid allocated to this project exceeded 31,000 euros.
Employability, training and entrepreneurship for women
We allocated 125,000 euros to the start-up – in collaboration with the local Cozumel Foundation – of entrepreneurship training for 126 women in the cities of Cancún, Monterrey and Guadalajara. The course includes a team project that lasts six months and could benefit some 2,500 people.
In addition, in collaboration with Altitud, we support mothers who are the heads of families from indigenous populations resident in the metropolitan area of the State of Nuevo León, with economic aid of 35,500 euros for them to purchase sewing machines. This will help them to start up productive workshops in their own homes and achieve financial independence.
Social inclusion and disability
In collaboration with the FOAL Foundation, we are promoting the labor integration of people with visual impairments through a three-month course and the granting of eight internship scholarships in local companies in jobs specially adapted to their specific needs.